"The apparitions of Our Lady began Sept. 25, 1993 preceded by a small sign on the front Gladys received the day before. The visionary, a simple woman, meekly received the message and signs. Gradually, the Madonna has made understand the covenant with God that you have a mission to renew, because God has chosen as the symbol and the means of that 'alliance.
San Nicolás Our Lady states: "I am the Mistress of this region." E claims that the Christian people renew their ties with you also asks the construction of a shrine, the abode of God that this alliance simbolozzerà ... and calls for the consecration for love that is where we find the essence of the message: "For a child of God does not exist because it is impossible to love God calls us to His love ... Let me build up in your hearts. "(Message No. 1796, 01/02/1990)
the book" Reading the Bible with the Madonna, "Christian Movimiento de San Nicolás.
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