Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Best Email Subject For Thank You After
An attacker who invented capitalism
And a pirate invented capitalism
Julius Giorello - 04/10/2010
by Corriere della Sera
The rational behavior of filibusters prefigures that of business
The sailors of a Merchant smooth ride on the waves. A ship appears on the horizon for two hundred tons. Seen from a distance it seems harmless. English flag. When you close the ship reveals, however, whether claims: it is also a merchant, but somewhat modified. Instead of the usual six guns, it has more than twenty ... The scene that Peter Leeson invites us to contemplate this in his book The Invisible Hook, or literally "the invisible hook ', which is the second Pirates of the Economy, is the threat of boarding: the mysterious ship carrying a crew of villains, led by a few Captain Hook. The last doubt will soon be dissolved, because the leaders like to customize their own pirate signs, changing the pattern of what is known as the Banner of Death, or the Jolie Rouge (Jolly Roger later), the red flag - and then black - bearing a skull and bones. What will the master of the merchant at the sight of the bogey of the seas? Maybe you will simply follow the recommendation of Captain Hook in the musical version of Edward Jackson: "Better this time to surrender. " But what led him to desist from any self-defense?
The fact is that - at least in the vast majority - these sea pirates enjoyed fame not only to be ruthless with those who did not give up arms immediately, but also to be faithful to their word: those who surrender will be given, even if it loses the stuff. A pretty fair trade for all those who were suspended "between the devil and the deep blue sea ': on one hand those who try their luck on the waves, the other pirates themselves, who defied death facing storms, collision, or maybe the relentless "justice" of those who lived under the law. That is the paradox
Pirates of the pacifists. As Leeson writes: "The Jolly Roger ended up saving the lives of sailors of the ships cargo. With the identity of the pirates and potential targets to prevent a bloody battle that would needlessly hurt or killed not only pirates but also the innocent sailors. Paradoxically, therefore, the effect of eerie symbolism of the skull was similar to that of a dove holding an olive branch in its beak. " The pirates were able to mock the powers of the world and jointly semiotic tools of mediation rather sophisticated - and all in order to minimize costs and maximize their profits ... companies. Here the law was worth the hook Invisible Related worthy pirate the Invisible Hand of Adam Smith. The personal pursuit of profit as an individual citizen ended up producing the wealth of the nation equally, the selfishness of each pirate was for the economy of the 'State in miniature "represented by the ship of these predators of the sea.
As Leeson writes, pirates yes they were the "outlaws absolutes, but not why they were unable to articulate forms of self-government. The maximization of their "pleasure" to request appointments "power and freedom," and this was secured by an "anarchic democracy" which was used to successfully tackle the big question that underlies the origin of the State modern. In the words of Baruch Spinoza: how is it possible that each individual give in to public buildings and a portion of their liberty at the same time avoiding "that your conscience subject others 'absolutely right'? The answer is: by establishing a system of checks and balances to ensure that any state structure, "far from being converted into beasts men endowed with reason or make them into automatons," but allows that "their minds and their bodies can safely carry their functions. The real purpose of the state is liberty. "
is singular, Leeson note that all this was done with more than a century ahead of the system of checks and balances devised by the founding fathers to quell '"democratic experiment" by which thirteen colonies of North America became the nucleus of the United States. Before that against the Crown and Parliament of England arise the "resolute rebels 'mutineers were already quite a few sailors of the ships of his majesty, not to mention the pirates' scum of the world" who refused to bow his head before any authority. The real experiment in democracy was their - and open societies in the West today is so proud that they did not learn from those "monsters".
It is not because they instinctively or myths that led to democracy Pirates ended up choosing the policy of intimidation against the external enemy and that good governance within its borders. I think we can help to highlight the most salient traits Invisible hamate a model developed by Elliot Sober in a different context (the debate over Darwinian selection): in short, balls of different colors are filtered by a sieve, whose holes - we imagine all the same - stop those larger than the diameter of the opening. Suppose that the balls are so small as not to be stopped by the holes are all colored in red, we can conclude that the sieve selects only balls of that color. But that stretch is typically contingent: to stabilize as the distinctive red of the balls 'survivors' is a mere consequence of the underlying mechanism that discriminates the marbles in size and the fact 'accidental' that all the balls are small enough of that color. Therefore, it is not because they are red balls that pass through the sieve, but rather the fact that red is a sign that they were suitable to overcome the obstacle. Similarly, we can say that our attackers were "good" only because their goodness has been selected as a "dash contingent from the economic logic which coordinated their practices.
In the case of the sieve of Sober is easy to identify the underlying mechanism (If the diameter of the ball is larger than the hole, this does not pass). In the case of pirates the hidden reason of the whole process is precisely the Invisible Hook: piracy in the seventeenth and eighteenth century had fostered the evolution of those traits "good" because these characters were the most profitable. So, not only the similarity but also the difference with the sieve of Sober is instructive: the balls are very little to change the sieve, the choices of the pirates, however, able to reshape the system of countermeasures taken by the sea in various countries, nominally or really at war against them. It's a bit 'as if the red dye it some balls reduced the size making them more 'agile and lean' so as to circumvent the mesh of the sieve! The pirates know how to choose the colors, and thanks to red or black Jolly Roger, which can bend to their purposes the mesh sieve them to be opposed by any business 'legal'. But they also know that the move is risky, because it marks them as outlaws. Otherwise, it is risky for the flamboyant peacocks have tails or have large elk antler to seduce girls. In the spirit of Darwinian this works, even if those animals are at greater risk of appearing as potential victims of predators, and when they succeed in their intent, however, they are the "predators" in the race of love. And so are the pirates, which clearly indicates their banner as enemies of all the flags, but that - when suddenly it hits - enables them to get that "happiness" of which they are seeking, and perhaps without too much bloodshed.
And a pirate invented capitalism
Julius Giorello - 04/10/2010
by Corriere della Sera
The rational behavior of filibusters prefigures that of business
The sailors of a Merchant smooth ride on the waves. A ship appears on the horizon for two hundred tons. Seen from a distance it seems harmless. English flag. When you close the ship reveals, however, whether claims: it is also a merchant, but somewhat modified. Instead of the usual six guns, it has more than twenty ... The scene that Peter Leeson invites us to contemplate this in his book The Invisible Hook, or literally "the invisible hook ', which is the second Pirates of the Economy, is the threat of boarding: the mysterious ship carrying a crew of villains, led by a few Captain Hook. The last doubt will soon be dissolved, because the leaders like to customize their own pirate signs, changing the pattern of what is known as the Banner of Death, or the Jolie Rouge (Jolly Roger later), the red flag - and then black - bearing a skull and bones. What will the master of the merchant at the sight of the bogey of the seas? Maybe you will simply follow the recommendation of Captain Hook in the musical version of Edward Jackson: "Better this time to surrender. " But what led him to desist from any self-defense?
The fact is that - at least in the vast majority - these sea pirates enjoyed fame not only to be ruthless with those who did not give up arms immediately, but also to be faithful to their word: those who surrender will be given, even if it loses the stuff. A pretty fair trade for all those who were suspended "between the devil and the deep blue sea ': on one hand those who try their luck on the waves, the other pirates themselves, who defied death facing storms, collision, or maybe the relentless "justice" of those who lived under the law. That is the paradox
Pirates of the pacifists. As Leeson writes: "The Jolly Roger ended up saving the lives of sailors of the ships cargo. With the identity of the pirates and potential targets to prevent a bloody battle that would needlessly hurt or killed not only pirates but also the innocent sailors. Paradoxically, therefore, the effect of eerie symbolism of the skull was similar to that of a dove holding an olive branch in its beak. " The pirates were able to mock the powers of the world and jointly semiotic tools of mediation rather sophisticated - and all in order to minimize costs and maximize their profits ... companies. Here the law was worth the hook Invisible Related worthy pirate the Invisible Hand of Adam Smith. The personal pursuit of profit as an individual citizen ended up producing the wealth of the nation equally, the selfishness of each pirate was for the economy of the 'State in miniature "represented by the ship of these predators of the sea.
As Leeson writes, pirates yes they were the "outlaws absolutes, but not why they were unable to articulate forms of self-government. The maximization of their "pleasure" to request appointments "power and freedom," and this was secured by an "anarchic democracy" which was used to successfully tackle the big question that underlies the origin of the State modern. In the words of Baruch Spinoza: how is it possible that each individual give in to public buildings and a portion of their liberty at the same time avoiding "that your conscience subject others 'absolutely right'? The answer is: by establishing a system of checks and balances to ensure that any state structure, "far from being converted into beasts men endowed with reason or make them into automatons," but allows that "their minds and their bodies can safely carry their functions. The real purpose of the state is liberty. "
is singular, Leeson note that all this was done with more than a century ahead of the system of checks and balances devised by the founding fathers to quell '"democratic experiment" by which thirteen colonies of North America became the nucleus of the United States. Before that against the Crown and Parliament of England arise the "resolute rebels 'mutineers were already quite a few sailors of the ships of his majesty, not to mention the pirates' scum of the world" who refused to bow his head before any authority. The real experiment in democracy was their - and open societies in the West today is so proud that they did not learn from those "monsters".
It is not because they instinctively or myths that led to democracy Pirates ended up choosing the policy of intimidation against the external enemy and that good governance within its borders. I think we can help to highlight the most salient traits Invisible hamate a model developed by Elliot Sober in a different context (the debate over Darwinian selection): in short, balls of different colors are filtered by a sieve, whose holes - we imagine all the same - stop those larger than the diameter of the opening. Suppose that the balls are so small as not to be stopped by the holes are all colored in red, we can conclude that the sieve selects only balls of that color. But that stretch is typically contingent: to stabilize as the distinctive red of the balls 'survivors' is a mere consequence of the underlying mechanism that discriminates the marbles in size and the fact 'accidental' that all the balls are small enough of that color. Therefore, it is not because they are red balls that pass through the sieve, but rather the fact that red is a sign that they were suitable to overcome the obstacle. Similarly, we can say that our attackers were "good" only because their goodness has been selected as a "dash contingent from the economic logic which coordinated their practices.
In the case of the sieve of Sober is easy to identify the underlying mechanism (If the diameter of the ball is larger than the hole, this does not pass). In the case of pirates the hidden reason of the whole process is precisely the Invisible Hook: piracy in the seventeenth and eighteenth century had fostered the evolution of those traits "good" because these characters were the most profitable. So, not only the similarity but also the difference with the sieve of Sober is instructive: the balls are very little to change the sieve, the choices of the pirates, however, able to reshape the system of countermeasures taken by the sea in various countries, nominally or really at war against them. It's a bit 'as if the red dye it some balls reduced the size making them more 'agile and lean' so as to circumvent the mesh of the sieve! The pirates know how to choose the colors, and thanks to red or black Jolly Roger, which can bend to their purposes the mesh sieve them to be opposed by any business 'legal'. But they also know that the move is risky, because it marks them as outlaws. Otherwise, it is risky for the flamboyant peacocks have tails or have large elk antler to seduce girls. In the spirit of Darwinian this works, even if those animals are at greater risk of appearing as potential victims of predators, and when they succeed in their intent, however, they are the "predators" in the race of love. And so are the pirates, which clearly indicates their banner as enemies of all the flags, but that - when suddenly it hits - enables them to get that "happiness" of which they are seeking, and perhaps without too much bloodshed.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
How Do I Shorten Curtains Without Sewing?
The skull of Francisco Goya
Dali THE FACE OF WAR The Catalan painter takes a pictorial expression similar to that of Goya
unveiled the eerie mystery of why the corpse is missing skull of Goya.
Goya died April 15, 1828 in Bordeaux where he had taken refuge four years in voluntary exile because she could not bear the brutal tyranny of Ferdinand VII. the painter is buried in the Chartreuse Muguiro in the modest family tomb, his old friends. As his fame grew throughout the world, the governments of Spain unfortunate for most of the nineteenth century did not bother to translate his remains home, until in 1880 he was appointed consul in Bordeaux Don Joaquin Pereyra, who was outraged to find the tomb of the great genius in total abandonment and begins a long battle to return to Spain with the honors due. In 1888 the completion of a monumental tomb in the Sacramental de San Isidro in Madrid where it should be buried along with other great artists. At the time dell'esumazione is discovered with horror that the body is mutilated. Competent authorities shall establish that he was beheaded before burial because "his head, as is known, was entrusted to a doctor for a scientific study." The statement comes out for the first time and it is not documented. The vicissitudes of the remains of Goya is not over and assume grotesque characters: the English government does not want France to pay the modest sum for its exhumation. Only in 1900 was placed in the Sacramental in Madrid, before being finally transferred in 1919 into "his" church of San Antonio de la Florida where he finally has peace. In 1928, the key to the mystery. A scholar finds it in an antique shop in Zaragoza a painting of Goya's skull, poor painter and signed by a label signed by Marquis de San Adrian. Eccentric character fond of phrenology, a para-science that the characteristics of an individual diagnosed according to the protuberances of the skull, it was he who commissioned the desecration of the corpse. Section
freely "Il Foglio"
Dali THE FACE OF WAR The Catalan painter takes a pictorial expression similar to that of Goya
unveiled the eerie mystery of why the corpse is missing skull of Goya.
Goya died April 15, 1828 in Bordeaux where he had taken refuge four years in voluntary exile because she could not bear the brutal tyranny of Ferdinand VII. the painter is buried in the Chartreuse Muguiro in the modest family tomb, his old friends. As his fame grew throughout the world, the governments of Spain unfortunate for most of the nineteenth century did not bother to translate his remains home, until in 1880 he was appointed consul in Bordeaux Don Joaquin Pereyra, who was outraged to find the tomb of the great genius in total abandonment and begins a long battle to return to Spain with the honors due. In 1888 the completion of a monumental tomb in the Sacramental de San Isidro in Madrid where it should be buried along with other great artists. At the time dell'esumazione is discovered with horror that the body is mutilated. Competent authorities shall establish that he was beheaded before burial because "his head, as is known, was entrusted to a doctor for a scientific study." The statement comes out for the first time and it is not documented. The vicissitudes of the remains of Goya is not over and assume grotesque characters: the English government does not want France to pay the modest sum for its exhumation. Only in 1900 was placed in the Sacramental in Madrid, before being finally transferred in 1919 into "his" church of San Antonio de la Florida where he finally has peace. In 1928, the key to the mystery. A scholar finds it in an antique shop in Zaragoza a painting of Goya's skull, poor painter and signed by a label signed by Marquis de San Adrian. Eccentric character fond of phrenology, a para-science that the characteristics of an individual diagnosed according to the protuberances of the skull, it was he who commissioned the desecration of the corpse. Section
freely "Il Foglio"
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
How T Turn Into A Wolf Spell
Formal Dresses Under 60 Dollars
Christian and Muslim women may not know
CEI Bible, Ecclesiastes (Ecclesiastes ex) VII, 26
"I find more bitter than death the woman, all ties: a network his heart, chains her arms. Who is pleasing to God but the sinner escapes it is taken."
Bible, Leviticus
"Do not approach a woman to uncover her nakedness during the menstrual uncleanness. If one has a relationship with a woman during her menstrual uncleanness and finds the nudity, that man has discovered the source of her and she discovered the source of their blood, so both will be removed from their people. "
Bible, Leviticus
"if a woman will not veil their heads, you cut your hair! But if it is shameful for a woman to be shorn or shaved, wear headscarves. But man, does not have to veil themselves, because he is the image and reflection of God, while the woman is a reflection of man. "
St. Paul, First Corinthians, XIV, 34-35
" As in all communities of the faithful, the women keep silent in the assemblies because they are not allowed to speak, are rather subdued, as also saith the law. If you want to learn something, they should ask their husbands at home, because it is improper for a woman to speak at the meeting. "
St. Paul, Letter to the Ephesians
" Women are subject to your husbands as to the Lord because the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. "
St. Paul, First Corinthians, XI
"The man should not cover his head, for he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. In fact, not man from woman, but the woman from man, nor was man created for woman, but woman for man. That the woman should wear on her head a sign of his addiction. "
Sant'Odone Cluny
"If people could see what lies beneath the skin, the sight of women alone would cause vomiting. If we refuse to touch the dung with his fingertips, how do we want to embrace a woman, a creature of dung? "
St. Augustine, concupiscence, Book I, section 10
"There can be no doubt that the order of nature is most appropriate that the man dominion over woman, the woman rather than man. That is the principle that emerges when the Apostle says," The head of the woman 's man "and," Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands. "The Apostle Peter writes:" Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord "
St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Suppl., q.39, art. 1
"since the woman is in a state of subjection, it follows that a woman can not receive the sacramental order."
"Women should not be enlightened or educated in any way. Should in fact be segregated because they are the cause of hideous and involuntary erections in holy men. "
St. John Chrysostom
" The woman is above every other evil evil, snake venom and against which no medicine is good. Women especially need to satisfy the lust of men. "
Tertullian, a Christian theologian
" Woman is a temple built on a sewer. You, woman, you're the devil's gateway. And 'because of you that son of God had to die, you'll have to run away forever in mourning and covered with rags. "
Koran, Sura IV, 34
" Ammonite those whose part you fear insubordination, leave them alone in their beds , Beat him. "
Koran, Sura IV, 15
"If your women have committed vile actions, the women confined in a house without water or food until death occurs."
Koran, Sura V, 6
"O believers. When you prepare for prayer wash your face and hands. If you have touched women and can not find water, try to clean the dust and passatevela on the face and hands."
CEI Bible, Ecclesiastes (Ecclesiastes ex) VII, 26
"I find more bitter than death the woman, all ties: a network his heart, chains her arms. Who is pleasing to God but the sinner escapes it is taken."
Bible, Leviticus
"Do not approach a woman to uncover her nakedness during the menstrual uncleanness. If one has a relationship with a woman during her menstrual uncleanness and finds the nudity, that man has discovered the source of her and she discovered the source of their blood, so both will be removed from their people. "
Bible, Leviticus
"if a woman will not veil their heads, you cut your hair! But if it is shameful for a woman to be shorn or shaved, wear headscarves. But man, does not have to veil themselves, because he is the image and reflection of God, while the woman is a reflection of man. "
St. Paul, First Corinthians, XIV, 34-35
" As in all communities of the faithful, the women keep silent in the assemblies because they are not allowed to speak, are rather subdued, as also saith the law. If you want to learn something, they should ask their husbands at home, because it is improper for a woman to speak at the meeting. "
St. Paul, Letter to the Ephesians
" Women are subject to your husbands as to the Lord because the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. "
St. Paul, First Corinthians, XI
"The man should not cover his head, for he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. In fact, not man from woman, but the woman from man, nor was man created for woman, but woman for man. That the woman should wear on her head a sign of his addiction. "
Sant'Odone Cluny
"If people could see what lies beneath the skin, the sight of women alone would cause vomiting. If we refuse to touch the dung with his fingertips, how do we want to embrace a woman, a creature of dung? "
St. Augustine, concupiscence, Book I, section 10
"There can be no doubt that the order of nature is most appropriate that the man dominion over woman, the woman rather than man. That is the principle that emerges when the Apostle says," The head of the woman 's man "and," Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands. "The Apostle Peter writes:" Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord "
St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Suppl., q.39, art. 1
"since the woman is in a state of subjection, it follows that a woman can not receive the sacramental order."
"Women should not be enlightened or educated in any way. Should in fact be segregated because they are the cause of hideous and involuntary erections in holy men. "
St. John Chrysostom
" The woman is above every other evil evil, snake venom and against which no medicine is good. Women especially need to satisfy the lust of men. "
Tertullian, a Christian theologian
" Woman is a temple built on a sewer. You, woman, you're the devil's gateway. And 'because of you that son of God had to die, you'll have to run away forever in mourning and covered with rags. "
Koran, Sura IV, 34
" Ammonite those whose part you fear insubordination, leave them alone in their beds , Beat him. "
Koran, Sura IV, 15
"If your women have committed vile actions, the women confined in a house without water or food until death occurs."
Koran, Sura V, 6
"O believers. When you prepare for prayer wash your face and hands. If you have touched women and can not find water, try to clean the dust and passatevela on the face and hands."
Monday, March 7, 2011
Hair Clippers Olive Oil
thou wouldst Fa 'L'Americano - Renato Carosone PA Panamericano
Children brought me, happy! "The new song!" 2010. Nn
But it was new, so we've learned a lot!
Renato Carosone - thou wouldst Fa 'L'Americano
Pa Panamericano - yolanda be cool
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v = gekDY9Z_1Co
Panamericano PA - The house music
Children brought me, happy! "The new song!" 2010. Nn
But it was new, so we've learned a lot!
Renato Carosone - thou wouldst Fa 'L'Americano
Pa Panamericano - yolanda be cool
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v = gekDY9Z_1Co
Panamericano PA - The house music
Monday, February 28, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
What Is An Affordable Hd Prosumer Camera
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Yaz As An Emergency Contraceptive
5 million euros in Italian to translate the Talmud
Among the cuts to schools and universities, Education Minister is 5 million to finance, by the CNR, the Italian translation of the Hebrew sacred text
the afternoon of December 14 the day of the trust Berlusconi, while Rome burned and students besieged the Palaces of the Culture Committee of the Senate approved by a majority the 'pattern Ministerial Decree on allocation of the Fund for the ordinary institutions and research institutions, for the year 2010'.
Among the appropriations provided by this decree signed by the Minister Mariastella Gelmini - in early January that will be submitted to the opinion of the House of Culture - are less than 5 million euro''in support of multi-year project 'Talmud', which Cnr see the work with the Union of Italian Jewish Communities - Italian Rabbinical College (UCEI-Cri) for the full translation in Italian, with commentary and the original text in front of the Talmud, fundamental work and text exclusive of Jewish culture.''
While with one hand Gelmini ax falls heavier cuts on public schools and the university, with the other hand, ten billion old lire to a team of translators who will work for thirty five years to the Italian translation of Jewish sacred text. A monumental work, as the Talmud consists of six thousand pages divided into forty volumes. The senior rabbi of Jerusalem, Adin Steinsaltz, it took him fifty years to translate the original text in modern Hebrew, Aramaic.
A job is certainly important for the Italian Jewish community, which obviously has an influence on Gelmini much greater that of the national scholastic and academic world.
Henry Piovesana
Among the cuts to schools and universities, Education Minister is 5 million to finance, by the CNR, the Italian translation of the Hebrew sacred text
the afternoon of December 14 the day of the trust Berlusconi, while Rome burned and students besieged the Palaces of the Culture Committee of the Senate approved by a majority the 'pattern Ministerial Decree on allocation of the Fund for the ordinary institutions and research institutions, for the year 2010'.
Among the appropriations provided by this decree signed by the Minister Mariastella Gelmini - in early January that will be submitted to the opinion of the House of Culture - are less than 5 million euro''in support of multi-year project 'Talmud', which Cnr see the work with the Union of Italian Jewish Communities - Italian Rabbinical College (UCEI-Cri) for the full translation in Italian, with commentary and the original text in front of the Talmud, fundamental work and text exclusive of Jewish culture.''
While with one hand Gelmini ax falls heavier cuts on public schools and the university, with the other hand, ten billion old lire to a team of translators who will work for thirty five years to the Italian translation of Jewish sacred text. A monumental work, as the Talmud consists of six thousand pages divided into forty volumes. The senior rabbi of Jerusalem, Adin Steinsaltz, it took him fifty years to translate the original text in modern Hebrew, Aramaic.
A job is certainly important for the Italian Jewish community, which obviously has an influence on Gelmini much greater that of the national scholastic and academic world.
Henry Piovesana
Monday, January 31, 2011
Milena Velba Bra Holes
Sunday, January 30, 2011
How To Write A T.v Program Proposal
Christian De Sica and Trotsky
The revolutionary Leon Trotsky
Actor Christian De Sica
Jaime Ramón Mercader del Río Hernández (Barcelona, \u200b\u200bFebruary 7, 1914 - L ' Havana, October 18, 1978) was a English secret agent working in the NKVD during the rule of Joseph Stalin in the USSR. It became known only for being the murderess of Leon Trotsky.
He was the brother of the actress Maria Mercader, a cousin of the actor-director Vittorio De Sica, and uncle of Christian and Manuel De Sica.
The revolutionary Leon Trotsky
Actor Christian De Sica
Jaime Ramón Mercader del Río Hernández (Barcelona, \u200b\u200bFebruary 7, 1914 - L ' Havana, October 18, 1978) was a English secret agent working in the NKVD during the rule of Joseph Stalin in the USSR. It became known only for being the murderess of Leon Trotsky.
He was the brother of the actress Maria Mercader, a cousin of the actor-director Vittorio De Sica, and uncle of Christian and Manuel De Sica.
Patton Heater Poh 2501
The meditation hall of the United Nations Farewell Freud
The meditation room of the United Nations is built in the shape of a truncated pyramid.
In the center there is an altar made of magnetite, the largest natural piece of magnetite never checked out.
The mysterious mural also helps the "faithful" to come into contact with esoteric energies, and helps to achieve an altered state of consciousness.
It is a room full of suggestion and my opinion is not the prerogative of only Freemasonry, but is a sacred place where the soul vibrates and magnetic!
The Swede Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld lastanza and quiet.
Dag Hjalmar Hammarskjold Secretary 2 times status of the UN after the war the infant World Council of Churches and the Movement of Lay Christians put pressure on the UN to install the "meditation chamber" in the UN complex, being built in New York designed by Max Abramovitz and renowned architect Wallace Harrison, very close to the Rockefellers, for whom viicino built Rockefeller Center, designed by him, a statue of Prometheus. The final draft was
Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld.
The House of Meditation, or the quiet room, and 'a room open to the public, located near' the entrance to the building's ground floor glass. To gain access past a glass door guarded by 2 cops walk in the dark about almost 6 meters in the corridor and turn right where he started the room. The room 'sound-proof and has no windows in the shape of a truncated pyramid lying on its side with the smaller base occupied by a design consisting of 22 triangles. The harness, which is the floor of the House, in turn, has the following measures; larger base length 6 m, base length less than 3 m height and 9 meters. Ideal extension of the two sloping sides of the harness over the space of the fresco, they intersect to define the apex of a triangle whose height from the base, with simple geometric figures, we get to be 18 mt. The number 18 secono E. Levi is the religious dogma that 's all poetry and mystery.
In the geometric center of the room lies a monolithic block of magnetite perfectly square, the gift of the King of Sweden to Hammarskjold, weighing approximately 6.5 tons and dimensions, 1.70 m x1, 20x0, 60. This is a great natural magnet, which rests on a pedestal placed in contact with the rock foundation in order to form a single body with the earth. The room 'dimly lit to ensure that off-the light from a light source hidden from the ceiling, projecting a beam of light onto the machined surface of the stone.
There are 10 seats, which refers to the symbolism of 10 and tetractis Pythagorean. The 22 rather brings us back to the 22 major arcana.
The room 'was visited by Pope John Paul II, the current pope, and heads of state of each nazione.Dalai Lama included! I would not have been there, but the place does exist and can do a search on your own if you want. They talk about the Masons themselves in some texts written by them.
the stone square and 'a purely Masonic symbol, and on this there can' be although the 'slightest doubt.
The meditation room of the United Nations is built in the shape of a truncated pyramid.
In the center there is an altar made of magnetite, the largest natural piece of magnetite never checked out.
The mysterious mural also helps the "faithful" to come into contact with esoteric energies, and helps to achieve an altered state of consciousness.
It is a room full of suggestion and my opinion is not the prerogative of only Freemasonry, but is a sacred place where the soul vibrates and magnetic!
The Swede Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld lastanza and quiet.
Dag Hjalmar Hammarskjold Secretary 2 times status of the UN after the war the infant World Council of Churches and the Movement of Lay Christians put pressure on the UN to install the "meditation chamber" in the UN complex, being built in New York designed by Max Abramovitz and renowned architect Wallace Harrison, very close to the Rockefellers, for whom viicino built Rockefeller Center, designed by him, a statue of Prometheus. The final draft was
Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld.
The House of Meditation, or the quiet room, and 'a room open to the public, located near' the entrance to the building's ground floor glass. To gain access past a glass door guarded by 2 cops walk in the dark about almost 6 meters in the corridor and turn right where he started the room. The room 'sound-proof and has no windows in the shape of a truncated pyramid lying on its side with the smaller base occupied by a design consisting of 22 triangles. The harness, which is the floor of the House, in turn, has the following measures; larger base length 6 m, base length less than 3 m height and 9 meters. Ideal extension of the two sloping sides of the harness over the space of the fresco, they intersect to define the apex of a triangle whose height from the base, with simple geometric figures, we get to be 18 mt. The number 18 secono E. Levi is the religious dogma that 's all poetry and mystery.
In the geometric center of the room lies a monolithic block of magnetite perfectly square, the gift of the King of Sweden to Hammarskjold, weighing approximately 6.5 tons and dimensions, 1.70 m x1, 20x0, 60. This is a great natural magnet, which rests on a pedestal placed in contact with the rock foundation in order to form a single body with the earth. The room 'dimly lit to ensure that off-the light from a light source hidden from the ceiling, projecting a beam of light onto the machined surface of the stone.
There are 10 seats, which refers to the symbolism of 10 and tetractis Pythagorean. The 22 rather brings us back to the 22 major arcana.
The room 'was visited by Pope John Paul II, the current pope, and heads of state of each nazione.Dalai Lama included! I would not have been there, but the place does exist and can do a search on your own if you want. They talk about the Masons themselves in some texts written by them.
the stone square and 'a purely Masonic symbol, and on this there can' be although the 'slightest doubt.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
What Does High Levels Of Bilirubin Mean
Friday, January 7, 2011
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Farewell to Freud: the reasons for Jung
Mark Garzonio - 04/01/2011
Source: Corriere della Sera
If we needed confirmation that Jung was a student Freud,
here is the proof: the testimony of the protagonist, Jung. Him
Bollati Basic Books has published the long-awaited Red Book (p. 371
+ XXII, and 150), the unpublished editorial rightly called an event.
for several reasons. Technicians first: size and format of Volume
encyclopedic; color printing in facsimile of the code
parchment bound in red leather (hence the title) where between 1913 and 1930
Carl Gustav Jung wrote down his experiences in letters
old, with illuminated initials and designs powerful, translation, introduction and notes
equipment necessary for understanding this vast material in a
REFERENCE iestupefacenteper
vulcanic. In content, from a historical perspective to start work
dates back to the break with Freud. In fact on the eve of 40 years
Jung decided to withdraw into himself and started a dramatic
confrontation with the unconscious: dreams, images, fantasies, invaded
that the risk of impact. He abandoned the "spirit of
time," inspired by the values \u200b\u200band codes
external recognition ("belonged to the people and things. I did not belong to myself)
and chose to listen to the" spirit of the deep. " In the "search for the
own way" as the guiding had two old strands of knowledge: the
"know thyself" and the admonition of the gospel classic "
deny yourself" if you want to follow the path of Lord and find you.
a painful descent into hell for that model and Dante, the nearest
cultures and times, Nietzsche, with a difference, however, than the latter
: Zarathustra sings to the death of God, in Jung, however, there
the discovery of the rebirth of God Of course, not a God
confessional reality numinous and spiritual power as a universal rather than
person wants to Christianity, however
transcendent dimension that gives depth to the individual search for meaning and unites
men. It is no coincidence that the real title of the work (the subtitle of the volume
) is Liber novus, to announce the inner transformation and
rebirth, conquest of the 'new man'. The whole dramatic journey
Jung to find himself, his subjectivity, the "who am I '
, is the prototype of the" discovery process ", an adventure that becomes the pattern
staff with psychological validity
General , one of the foundations of analytical psychology. In the text,
in the apparatus devised by the curator of extraordinary Sonu Shamdasani
there is proof that when it goes from Freud in Vienna (1907) and Jung scholar
already trained therapist. It has its beliefs about the adventure
dream (the dreamer who plays multiple parts as in a drama)
unconscious (not just removed), and vital to the transcendent principle (the soul).
acknowledged master Goethe, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and in psychology
feel indebted to Flournoy, Bleuler, Janet, attended with
Dadaist movement and symbolist. Behind are the founding years
university in Basel, references to the concept of individual conscience
vein of Luther and the humanistic Renaissance
Burkhardt, aimed at rebuilding the relationship between
sense of history and development of the psyche. The question remains, why did Freud and Jung that
apart from each other have built
hypotheses about the origins of neurosis, a sense of suffering and care, method of analysis,
notion of the unconscious and libido, have suffered
mutual attraction so strong as to make the break so loud then.
The answer is not in theory, but in human relationships and projections that trigger
; they the founders were not vaccinated
obviously. Freud, proud of his findings ("Psychoanalysis is a
my creation ') hit on Jung and designated heir, Jung,
in need of legitimacy after the devastating example of his father (lost faith
continued with the ministry of pastor) liked the role of a son, but then
trying to get rid of his own way, a man of genius but of a
character that will make him confess in Memories, Dreams, Reflections: "I
offended many people." There is only hope now that Bollati Boringhieri
achieve practical issue, in 8 °, with text, introduction, notes and
fifty images, making the Red Book
accessible to a wide audience, as well as specialists or experts of
superficial emotions and confusing (does talk of "holy grail
unconscious" or "new Bible"!).
should turn the page and start from the findings of Jung on himself. He claimed to be an empirical
(Book the test), no guru or founder of a religion,
even the anti Freud, because the depth psychology is plural.
the wake of Jung that puts the 'fantasy' next to 'think
addressed, "logical and verbal, they open new horizons for
imaginative scope, plastic, creative psyche.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
What Happened To Sunmicrosystems
The horse world's rarest and most precious of
His Majesty the Akhal-Teke
"The golden horse", "the athlete from the mantle of silk," "the only truly pure thoroughbred," "the
most beautiful horse in the world ': can not talk about him without resorting to superlatives. Surely
the Akhal Teke is an extraordinary animal. Different from other horses as much as the greyhound,
for example, is different from other dogs.
E 'originating in Turkmenistan, a former Soviet republic in Central Asia, rich in
immense natural gas reserves, located between the Caspian Sea and Afghanistan, bordered on the north and south
Uzbekistan, with Iran. His birthplace home is an oasis in the midst of prosperous sort
Karakum desert, the valley dell'Akhal, whose capital bears a name, Ashkabad,
translates to "City of Love." This paradise is the fiefdom of a Turkmen tribe, the
Teke, few in number but always known for the quality of their embroidery, jewelry and carpets. Their company
more successful, their most beautiful creation, however, is not a product
craft, but a horse. A horse is not very high (from 1.60 to 1.65 m) but slender,
fine, graceful, aristocratic, the coat silky, metallic reflections, from gaits
flowing. A horse with long legs, very dall'incollatura detected, with the head and the expressive
tuft almost non-existent.
"A horse that you would gladly She" explained Maria Cerkezova, a Russian settled in Ashkabad and nicknamed "the mother of the Akhal Teke" for having dedicated his whole life (he died in 2003) to the preservation of this magnificent race, which threatened with extinction due to unforgiving nature of a (Ashkabad was devastated twice, in 1924 and 1948, earthquakes), but also of human stupidity: taking the view that the horse had to make way for the mechanization, the Soviets had decided in the 50s, to dell'Akhal Teke an animal for slaughter!
would be a sad end for such a fantastic animal, a horse from the past is so prestigious. The Turkmens, in fact, believe without a shadow of a doubt that their horse - which today stands at the center of the emblem of their republic, is the ancestor of all horses. And 'certainly was the steed of the Shiites, and even parts of the Amazon. Surely Bucephalus, the horse of Alexander the Great, was an Akhal Teke. Surely the famous "heavenly horses" of the Chinese emperors were also Akhal Teke.
Certainly without the courage to expert lovers, like Mary Cerkezova or Shamborant Vladimir (Soviet livestock from France), who opposed the slaughter, the breed would probably be extinct. Today, fortunately, is the subject of loving care, not only in its homeland but also in neighboring countries, mainly in Russia, Germany, and even, for a short time now, the United States. Despite this now spread worldwide, the Akhal Teke is a rare animal: worldwide there are about little more than three thousand copies.
appreciated for centuries for His prodigious skills and background resistance, the Turkmen horse was noted for the particularly gifted dressage: Absent was one of the most award-winning horses in the history of the Olympic Games. This ease of learning, coupled with its extraordinary beauty, it is also sought by an animal circuses all over the world.
Text by Jean-Louis Gouraud
From the book "HORSES" by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
His Majesty the Akhal-Teke
"The golden horse", "the athlete from the mantle of silk," "the only truly pure thoroughbred," "the
most beautiful horse in the world ': can not talk about him without resorting to superlatives. Surely
the Akhal Teke is an extraordinary animal. Different from other horses as much as the greyhound,
for example, is different from other dogs.
E 'originating in Turkmenistan, a former Soviet republic in Central Asia, rich in
immense natural gas reserves, located between the Caspian Sea and Afghanistan, bordered on the north and south
Uzbekistan, with Iran. His birthplace home is an oasis in the midst of prosperous sort
Karakum desert, the valley dell'Akhal, whose capital bears a name, Ashkabad,
translates to "City of Love." This paradise is the fiefdom of a Turkmen tribe, the
Teke, few in number but always known for the quality of their embroidery, jewelry and carpets. Their company
more successful, their most beautiful creation, however, is not a product
craft, but a horse. A horse is not very high (from 1.60 to 1.65 m) but slender,
fine, graceful, aristocratic, the coat silky, metallic reflections, from gaits
flowing. A horse with long legs, very dall'incollatura detected, with the head and the expressive
tuft almost non-existent.
"A horse that you would gladly She" explained Maria Cerkezova, a Russian settled in Ashkabad and nicknamed "the mother of the Akhal Teke" for having dedicated his whole life (he died in 2003) to the preservation of this magnificent race, which threatened with extinction due to unforgiving nature of a (Ashkabad was devastated twice, in 1924 and 1948, earthquakes), but also of human stupidity: taking the view that the horse had to make way for the mechanization, the Soviets had decided in the 50s, to dell'Akhal Teke an animal for slaughter!
would be a sad end for such a fantastic animal, a horse from the past is so prestigious. The Turkmens, in fact, believe without a shadow of a doubt that their horse - which today stands at the center of the emblem of their republic, is the ancestor of all horses. And 'certainly was the steed of the Shiites, and even parts of the Amazon. Surely Bucephalus, the horse of Alexander the Great, was an Akhal Teke. Surely the famous "heavenly horses" of the Chinese emperors were also Akhal Teke.
Certainly without the courage to expert lovers, like Mary Cerkezova or Shamborant Vladimir (Soviet livestock from France), who opposed the slaughter, the breed would probably be extinct. Today, fortunately, is the subject of loving care, not only in its homeland but also in neighboring countries, mainly in Russia, Germany, and even, for a short time now, the United States. Despite this now spread worldwide, the Akhal Teke is a rare animal: worldwide there are about little more than three thousand copies.
appreciated for centuries for His prodigious skills and background resistance, the Turkmen horse was noted for the particularly gifted dressage: Absent was one of the most award-winning horses in the history of the Olympic Games. This ease of learning, coupled with its extraordinary beauty, it is also sought by an animal circuses all over the world.
Text by Jean-Louis Gouraud
From the book "HORSES" by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Gmc Body Style Change
From the press conference held at the town of Verona
Discovering Stonehenge Verona Tourists on the trail of ancient rites and sacred spot
VERONA - Verona has its own Stonehenge from. reveal, magic city made of stone aligned to the solstice points, as in the English site, according to ancient rites, sacred measures and astrological alignments. Just try it on December 21 or June 21 in Piazza Erbe or in Fur: you will notice a straight line between the birth of the sun to Pilotòn (Montorio before) the sunset point which coincides with the church of Saint Lucia extra. Geometry conceived by the Romans for reasons to be discovered. I want to make the chairman of the Culture Cametti Lucia, with the help of scholars and Henry Louis Pellini Scognamiglio, going to discover traces of a Roman Verona unexplored, to be launched as a tourist route in contrast to the cheesy mass journeys Read fake balcony. Juliet The idea, explains the Cametti, crab comes from Umberto, who died in 1970, grandson of the scholar Luigi Simeoni which absorbed the thirst for knowledge that led him to probe the origins of Verona. "In his book" Plan of Trustees of the Roman Verona Verona called magical stones that speak not only of the geometry related to the thistle and the decumano, but to create a line to the places of the sun - says Councillor -. Secrets fascinating, as as Stonehenge or the Pyramids of Egypt, who deserve to be offered as a tourism attraction for the esoteric. A huge appeal for young people, attracted to the occult. "
Pellini raises the possibility of a Verona conceived by the Romans as a circle mandala, which combines old and new city: "As the foundation of Rome, also along the Adige, the Romans followed the traditional rituals and liturgies, probably for his creation, directing it in the direction of the sun's annual path or to the constellations - assumed -. Verona is composed of circles and alignments are still traceable. There is a geometry designed to remain unchanged over secolli.
Verona megalithic cities, as the study suggests the physical Giulio Magli Scognamiglio calls to investigate the traces of an unexplored symbolism: "The ideal route from the upper, top, and entrails of Castel San Pietro, linked to the duality of a two-faced God. Then the descent into the 0rphanum of San Giovanni in Valle, with the columns to form of solar chariot and Santa Maria in Solaro (now the Cathedral), the balneum (the spa area) and the church of Santo Stefano Cavalieri. A tour that would touch the old alignment, walking in the midst of an enigma. "
(L. Lor.)
Source: from the Corriere del Veneto Verona edition of Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Link. http://corrieredelveneto.corriere.it/verona/
Discovering Stonehenge Verona Tourists on the trail of ancient rites and sacred spot
VERONA - Verona has its own Stonehenge from. reveal, magic city made of stone aligned to the solstice points, as in the English site, according to ancient rites, sacred measures and astrological alignments. Just try it on December 21 or June 21 in Piazza Erbe or in Fur: you will notice a straight line between the birth of the sun to Pilotòn (Montorio before) the sunset point which coincides with the church of Saint Lucia extra. Geometry conceived by the Romans for reasons to be discovered. I want to make the chairman of the Culture Cametti Lucia, with the help of scholars and Henry Louis Pellini Scognamiglio, going to discover traces of a Roman Verona unexplored, to be launched as a tourist route in contrast to the cheesy mass journeys Read fake balcony. Juliet The idea, explains the Cametti, crab comes from Umberto, who died in 1970, grandson of the scholar Luigi Simeoni which absorbed the thirst for knowledge that led him to probe the origins of Verona. "In his book" Plan of Trustees of the Roman Verona Verona called magical stones that speak not only of the geometry related to the thistle and the decumano, but to create a line to the places of the sun - says Councillor -. Secrets fascinating, as as Stonehenge or the Pyramids of Egypt, who deserve to be offered as a tourism attraction for the esoteric. A huge appeal for young people, attracted to the occult. "
Pellini raises the possibility of a Verona conceived by the Romans as a circle mandala, which combines old and new city: "As the foundation of Rome, also along the Adige, the Romans followed the traditional rituals and liturgies, probably for his creation, directing it in the direction of the sun's annual path or to the constellations - assumed -. Verona is composed of circles and alignments are still traceable. There is a geometry designed to remain unchanged over secolli.
Verona megalithic cities, as the study suggests the physical Giulio Magli Scognamiglio calls to investigate the traces of an unexplored symbolism: "The ideal route from the upper, top, and entrails of Castel San Pietro, linked to the duality of a two-faced God. Then the descent into the 0rphanum of San Giovanni in Valle, with the columns to form of solar chariot and Santa Maria in Solaro (now the Cathedral), the balneum (the spa area) and the church of Santo Stefano Cavalieri. A tour that would touch the old alignment, walking in the midst of an enigma. "
(L. Lor.)
Source: from the Corriere del Veneto Verona edition of Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Link. http://corrieredelveneto.corriere.it/verona/
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