Thomas Killen Falls
Many I spoke of a waterfall near the farm, but no one had been able to indicate precisely where it was. Thomas's arrival I had talked extensively about the fact find this place now entered into my imagination, but 'without reference location. During one of my days off, needing to go to Ballina to activate my mobile broadband, at a good pace, with a bright sun to keep me company, I made my way hitchhiking. Needless to say after five minutes I was stops on the way an old man with his sedan. I asked, "Where are you going?" And I said, "Ballina" and he says, "Jump in" Henry and a man of about eighty, who a few months ago he lost his wife suffering from pancreatic cancer. I tell him that my Uncle Nino, the brother of my mother, unfortunately, found to have the same disease a few months ago and is struggling through chemo and various therapies. Henry looks at me disheartened and continues telling that he had spent fifty-five years without ever separating from his partner. Now he was left alone and was dedicated to volunteering in the local parish in Ballina. Then he says: "Have you visited the Fallen Killen? Are close to Tintenbar and your farm! " I ask him to show me the exact spot on the map. Henry welcomed back to the farm and talk extensively with possibility of Thomas' the next day to organize a small expedition to explore the Fallen Killen. Thomas and willingly accepts the following morning after our yoga exercises we are moving towards the coveted goal. After two hours' walk brings us to the road signs at the entrance to a dirt road in front of which stands a sign: "Killen Fallen."
We enter into the undergrowth to our left feeling flow a river. A few minutes later we arrive at a river bank and opens before us a wonderful show: the bed of the river is suddenly cut off as by a magnet ' and the natural stream of water falls as its bed cut in two. A descent of a hundred yards and then a natural pool surrounded by mature trees placed as guardians of the waterfall. Entice us to look at the panorama that unfolds before us. Thomas cried out of happiness' and I see myself smiling like a child. After a descent through the woods for about ten minutes we arrive in the Killen Fallen them 'we realize that we have entered a magical place. The water is 'cold, but that' can not stop us from taking a dip and enjoy the feeling of being completely fused with the nature that surrounds us. We spend the morning exploring this paradise. Before you turn away and go home one last look, one last photo to remember.
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