The christmas holiday pagan
The pagan roots of Christmas
Elena Savino Jubal publisher
of the sun that seems inexplicable to the date of Christ's birth is unknown. The Gospels indicate neither the day nor the year [...] was assigned the date of the winter solstice because that day when the sun begins its return to northern skies, the pagans who worshiped Mithras celebrated the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (the birthday of the invincible sun).
- New Catholic Encyclopedia Franciscan Order (1941) -
During the research of information and documents regarding the pagan origins of Christmas, what is surprising is that the date of December 25, before he became famous as the birthday of Jesus ", was a feast day for the peoples of different cultures and religions very far apart in time and space.
The origins of these ancient cults to be found in what is the "beginning" of life on earth and that "the beginning" has been the object of veneration and worship of the sun.
the dawn of humanity, there was a full calendar of annual and seasonal festivals and rituals of reconciliation and renewal.
primitive peoples during the period of their lives were intimately tied to the "cycle of nature" because this depended on their own survival. At the time, the natural life seemed incomprehensible, threatening, powerful expression of forces to win, it was a magical world. The old man felt a part of that nature, but in a weak position. Therefore, through the ritual, trying to "make friends" with this or that force inherent in it.
the middle of this cycle was the star that the rhythm of the day, the "morning star" which determined the pace of fruiting and that affect all human life. For the latter, fearing that the sun does not arise more, reducing it to lose power in winter more and more its course in the sky, had experienced tragedy that threatened his life. So, had to be exorcised by rituals that were intended to avoid the sun does not rise more or less force to help in time.
is precisely from this that we can identify the origins of the rituals and festivals related to the winter solstice.
During these festivals were lit fires (custom that is found in the holiday tradition of burning log in the fireplace the night before) that, with their heat and their light, served to give strength to the weakened sun.
Often these rituals had to do with fertility and were thus related to reproduction. Hence the custom in ancient celebrations, dances and ceremonial propitiatory abundance and in some cases, as in ancient Celtic rituals and Germany, but also Greeks and Romans, the coupling during the holidays.
of the winter solstice
The word solstice comes from Latin solstitium, which literally means "sun stop" (from sol, "sun", and systematic, "stand still").
If we are in the northern hemisphere of the earth, in the days between December 22 to 24 can be observed as the sun seems to stand still in the sky, a phenomenon more evident as one approaches the equator. In astronomical terms, at the time the sun reverses its motion in the sense of "variation", ie reaches the point of maximum distance from the equatorial plane. The dark reaches its maximum extension of the night and the light of day minimum. You experience that is the longest night and shortest day of the year.
Immediately after the solstice, the daylight gradually returns to increase and the darkness of the night to fall to the summer solstice in June, when we have the longest day and shortest night of the year. The day of the solstice usually falls on 21, but for the reversal of the apparent solar motion is visible on the third / fourth the next day. The sun, therefore, the winter solstice arrives at its weakest phase in terms of light and heat, apparently plunged in darkness, but then returns to life and "invincible" on the same darkness. And on December 25 seems to be reborn, that is, has a new "Christmas."
This interpretation of "astronomical" may explain why December 25th is a date in this celebratory cultures and countries so far apart. It all begins with a careful observation of the behavior of the planets and the sun, and the old, it seems strange, well aware of the tools that allowed them to observe and describe movements and behavior of stars.
For example, in Maeshowe (Orkneys, Scotland) stands a mound dated (by the method of radiocarbon) 2750 BC Inside the mound is a stone structure with a long tunnel-shaped entrance. This Construction is aligned so that sunlight can shine and flow through the passage within the megalith, thus illuminating the back of the property. This happens at sunrise and the winter solstice.
of the origins of the Sun God compared
Without venturing comparisons in religious studies that require accurate, otherwise seem ridiculous, however, say that December 25 is associated with the day of birth or celebration of divine figures going back to centuries before of Christ.
Among others
The Egyptian god Horus
The mosaics and frescoes depicting images of Isis with Horus in her arms resemble the iconography Christian Madonna and child, so as to lead us to believe in the Christian era, for obvious reasons, some representations of Isis and Horus, often depicted as a child with the solar corona on the head, were probably "recycled".
The Indo-Persian god Mithras
With good peace of Gatto Trocchi, the cult of Mithra was the most competitive to Christianity and that Christianity was merged with syncretism. By the way, Mithras was also born of a virgin, had twelve disciples and was nicknamed "the Savior".
The Babylonian Tammuz and Shamas
In the days corresponding to December 25 today, in about 3000 BC, was celebrated Babylonian sun god Shamash. The sun god was called Utu in Sumerian and Akkadian Shamash. It was the sun god, justice and prediction, as the sun sees everything: past, present and future.
subsequently appeared in the cult of the Babylonian goddess Ishtar and her son Tammuz, who was considered the incarnation of the Sun the same way of Isis, Ishtar was also represented with her child in her arms. Around the head of Tammuz it featured a halo of 12 stars that symbolized the twelve zodiac signs.
is interesting to add that in this worship the god Tammuz dies to rise again after three days.
In the days of the winter solstice, was held in honor of Dionysus Lenaea a ritual feast called "the feast of wild women." The god who was celebrated "reborn" baby after being torn to pieces.
was the Sun god in the Yucatan, it was believed to have been brought into the world of the virgin Chiribirias. The Inca sun god
The Inca sun god was celebrated on the feast of the winter solstice Inti Raymi (celebrated on June 24 because the southern hemisphere, the seasons being reversed, the winter solstice falls precisely in June).
Obviously the first cited in this brief should have little impact on the creation of Christianity, let us remember a good time, was not created by Christ. With regard instead to the pre-Columbian solar worship is interesting to note the time and the sacred symbols are common to civilization so far apart. This should raise the suspicion often more of a common origin of religions through a comparative study of the same search for meaning in life. Instead, you blindly continue to lay on dogmatic beliefs and anthropomorphic, more or less explicitly intolerant of others.
The pagan roots of Christmas
Elena Savino - Jubal publisher
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Saccharin Gallbladder
A book never reprinted
Rex Jesus by Robert Graves translation by Adriana Dell'Orto. - New York: Pocket Bompiani, 1986. - 485 p. , 19 cm. - (Pocket Bompiani. Narrative; 401)
There is another edition published by the Club of Publishers Limited.
Although there is a good interest in this historical novel no publisher has ever bothered to reprint it. What is certain is that the historical narrative theology of this text give this discomfort. I do not want to add more. Surely it can still be found in libraries. And then read it it's worth it.
Rex Jesus by Robert Graves translation by Adriana Dell'Orto. - New York: Pocket Bompiani, 1986. - 485 p. , 19 cm. - (Pocket Bompiani. Narrative; 401)
There is another edition published by the Club of Publishers Limited.
Although there is a good interest in this historical novel no publisher has ever bothered to reprint it. What is certain is that the historical narrative theology of this text give this discomfort. I do not want to add more. Surely it can still be found in libraries. And then read it it's worth it.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Kates [playground Pierced
Verona and dirty business! Saramago
Verona. It speaks of mafia in Planning Commission. They control the politicians or judges? Go back to talk about the Mafia in Verona. This is done by this time (and for the first time) in a particularly sensitive topic: the Planning Commission of the City of Verona. The idea came from two journalistic work well done: a preliminary Michele Marcolongo on the theme of the great works in Verona and an interview with Francesca Lorandi chief prosecutor Mario Giulio Schinaia (See In Verona numbers 25 and 27 December). To bring up the organized crime in the planning commission was the Chairman of the Committee against the motorway link of Torricelle Alberto Sperotto, that among the various dangers of the massive public works construction site in Verona also sees potential to mafia infiltration. Here are his statements reported by local newspapers today, "the prosecutor Schinaia Sperotto quotes:" The Mafia is in Verona and invests in major projects. " We face an audit committee as in Milan for the Expo, because in the province of Verona are drawing works for 20 billion euro ". The answer to Enzo Flegel (Northern League) does not hesitate: "It is for the judiciary and the police to monitor." On this question and answer do two things. a) Planning Commission, there are people called to make decisions that move large amounts of money and if someone comes to tell you (because if not invented, but because it reads the newspapers) that maybe we should put up a safety net against the 'Ndrangheta can not get away with saying that the affairs of the Judiciary. b) The second consideration is that from the columns of our paper, the Judiciary Veronese said the opposite. We quote the words of the Chief Prosecutor Schinaia (in Verona on Dec. 27, page 25): "The administrative authority has the discretion to determine what are the public works to be done. And in the administrative structure, there are control centers that oversee the regularity of the procedures. The Judiciary can not check the correctness of each work: this is the business of politics. " You would agree, is to say. Still, the Planning Commission does not underestimate the danger simply by removing or minimizing the Mafia. Also not to go in the wrong for serious non-compliance.
George Montolli
Verona. It speaks of mafia in Planning Commission. They control the politicians or judges? Go back to talk about the Mafia in Verona. This is done by this time (and for the first time) in a particularly sensitive topic: the Planning Commission of the City of Verona. The idea came from two journalistic work well done: a preliminary Michele Marcolongo on the theme of the great works in Verona and an interview with Francesca Lorandi chief prosecutor Mario Giulio Schinaia (See In Verona numbers 25 and 27 December). To bring up the organized crime in the planning commission was the Chairman of the Committee against the motorway link of Torricelle Alberto Sperotto, that among the various dangers of the massive public works construction site in Verona also sees potential to mafia infiltration. Here are his statements reported by local newspapers today, "the prosecutor Schinaia Sperotto quotes:" The Mafia is in Verona and invests in major projects. " We face an audit committee as in Milan for the Expo, because in the province of Verona are drawing works for 20 billion euro ". The answer to Enzo Flegel (Northern League) does not hesitate: "It is for the judiciary and the police to monitor." On this question and answer do two things. a) Planning Commission, there are people called to make decisions that move large amounts of money and if someone comes to tell you (because if not invented, but because it reads the newspapers) that maybe we should put up a safety net against the 'Ndrangheta can not get away with saying that the affairs of the Judiciary. b) The second consideration is that from the columns of our paper, the Judiciary Veronese said the opposite. We quote the words of the Chief Prosecutor Schinaia (in Verona on Dec. 27, page 25): "The administrative authority has the discretion to determine what are the public works to be done. And in the administrative structure, there are control centers that oversee the regularity of the procedures. The Judiciary can not check the correctness of each work: this is the business of politics. " You would agree, is to say. Still, the Planning Commission does not underestimate the danger simply by removing or minimizing the Mafia. Also not to go in the wrong for serious non-compliance.
George Montolli
Sayings About Volunteer
the Cain! To understand the esoteric
Jose Saramago had started a blog where he wrote constantly, thus maintaining direct contact with its readers. From its pages had also objected to the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi for his policy [5]. Following this article, the publishing house Einaudi (Mondadori Group [6]) announced that it would not have published the collection of his writings on the blog called The notebook, which will still be published in Italy, but by Bollati Boringhieri [7]. Saramago's work is now published in Italy by Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore.
in 2009, with the release of her latest novel Cain, Saramago found himself arguing with the Portuguese Catholic church, criticizing the Bible, because it describes a God of vengeful, resentful, bad, unworthy of trust. "
The Vatican does not forgive even after the death yesterday (June 18, 2010) by José Saramago
The attack comes just at the bottom of the Osservatore Romano, in an article published today titled "The omnipotence (suspected) of the narrator" .
Jose Saramago - the newspaper of the Pope - "was a man and an intellectual of no admission metaphysics, nailed to the last in his stubborn belief in historical materialism, aka Marxism." Bilious statements that do not fit the alleged Christian charity, at least in the days immediately after death and heavy with these words. Saramago is acccusato of choosing "lucid" in autocollocarsi "on the side of the evangelical cornfield weeds."
occupuparsi Instead of saving souls now the Vatican also wants to intrude into the rough literary criticism, reviews> giving hasty and inappropriate on this great writer is now devoted to the history.
Jose Saramago had started a blog where he wrote constantly, thus maintaining direct contact with its readers. From its pages had also objected to the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi for his policy [5]. Following this article, the publishing house Einaudi (Mondadori Group [6]) announced that it would not have published the collection of his writings on the blog called The notebook, which will still be published in Italy, but by Bollati Boringhieri [7]. Saramago's work is now published in Italy by Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore.
in 2009, with the release of her latest novel Cain, Saramago found himself arguing with the Portuguese Catholic church, criticizing the Bible, because it describes a God of vengeful, resentful, bad, unworthy of trust. "
The Vatican does not forgive even after the death yesterday (June 18, 2010) by José Saramago
The attack comes just at the bottom of the Osservatore Romano, in an article published today titled "The omnipotence (suspected) of the narrator" .
Jose Saramago - the newspaper of the Pope - "was a man and an intellectual of no admission metaphysics, nailed to the last in his stubborn belief in historical materialism, aka Marxism." Bilious statements that do not fit the alleged Christian charity, at least in the days immediately after death and heavy with these words. Saramago is acccusato of choosing "lucid" in autocollocarsi "on the side of the evangelical cornfield weeds."
occupuparsi Instead of saving souls now the Vatican also wants to intrude into the rough literary criticism, reviews> giving hasty and inappropriate on this great writer is now devoted to the history.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Adding Springs To Utility Trailer
This is an image of Guido De Giorgio Maria Wolf, aka "Havismat" (1890-1957) A man of great knowledge. Rene Guenon chose him as the only continuation of his work, as agreed to hire him as the only disciple!
E 'duty Guido noted that Evola had with a dispute that came in court. This was the last "report" that came with Giorgio De qull'Julius well personified with his "sweet" man who was always full of himself, of his knowledge of his ignorance as well as in the preface that he wrote an essay for Bachofen. I believe that Evola had an "I egoic" very little control! The most reactionary right has found that person in some ways, the know-all that was to take abiatuato major blunders. But Giorgio De
certainly had the credentials to ascesci groped the mystical, to be completely detached from the power to free the soul, sacred and holy, which exists in every particular man!
they understood the intentions of the "Divine Comedy" and emphasizes the power and mystic initiation. A path leading to the real stars and love that bound men and infinitely small as the immensity of the cosmos to eliminate the time and contingency.
San Francisco is his brother!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Bang Bang On The Floor Baby
------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------
The maze of boxwood in the municipality of Villa Valsanzibio Battaglia Terme (PD)
Esoteric Tradition and
Peter Nutrizio
Adapted from Journal of Traditional Studies No. 1, October - December 1961
That many words go to our days gradually losing their original meaning and legitimate and that many have lost the other for some time, this is a fact that escapes most sensitive of our contemporaries. The use of these terms becomes routine, rather than a need for an intellectual, now obeys only the demands of a more superficial (but no less dangerous) "suggestive," or even that no longer represents a convenient acquiescence to habits that you do not see the reason to get rid of when they are not, for various reasons, deliberately entertained. Such a state of confusion, which is only at the linguistic level and whose effects roots plunge deep into the mentality, is the first of the obstacles it encounters on its path groped anyone who wants a serious exchange of ideas in any environment. In an exchange of such words are the vehicle of ideas, their support sensitive, so to speak, and it is clear that the lack of a prior agreement on the value of terms must inevitably lead, as the minimal consequence, the misunderstandings which are then more difficult to eradicate. The topics that we intend to treat, as indeed you can see from the title-page, not with the special problems of linguistics that a report very mild, but we think it is worth to mention in primarily to the need for clarity of language, as this will allow us not to go back constantly to justify the insistence with which we pause to clarify, whenever it will be an opportunity, what is the meaning we give to some words in the course of this short note, and, of course, long articles and translations that appear in this magazine. We said that the confusion of words and the uncertainty of their use have causes, added that this confusion, like many others, has for us the meaning of a sign, and the way in which certain medical conditions are revealed to the eye doctor through a series of symptoms, so the mentality of an environment is reflected by a set of external manifestations of which language is a part. When certain realities no longer intervene to support, so to speak, the words which they represented as the outer garment, then I began the process of degeneration of the latter, similar to what must have led to the current situation. Such a process is carried out step by step and actually starts from intellectuals whose disappearance in a given environment has the effect that a building would fall for a cornerstone, allowing the confusion of creep in more and more fields large without meeting resistance from above that only he could oppose it. It is therefore strange that the very words a time more meaningful to have lost it first and more completely, so it's perfectly understandable, and it is equally clear that they own to do this you can return the legitimate content if you want to somehow help find the clarity that stands out as the first half to those who today do not have the confidence to just let flood chaos that surrounds them. The items that make up the title of this introductory article we are just two of the most abused, and whose real meaning seems to have been, at least in the modern West is completely forgotten for centuries, it seems indeed, judging from the pictures that today inspire our contemporaries, who a slow campaign has been waged against them, from a given period. The result was different in the two cases, this is true, but we must take into account the diversity of both content: if "treason", the Latin verb whose noun was delivered entirely in Italian, can be adapted to any object, even outside of nature, 'esoteric' is certainly a word much more embarrassing, because it implies a comparison, because of comparison itself. Esoteric (ie inner, hidden) was told that some schools teaching Greek imparted to his disciples who had come accede to the esoteric doctrine that was sent in such intellectual centers, and they all that leaked out was an adaptation, in this case philosophy, which was to take with respect to the inner doctrine, the role of a 'exoterism', ie something external. This philosophical teaching, exoteric or outward, therefore imply that the teaching and learning as something that produced internal and guaranteed at the same time, and was thus against a subordinate role, is perhaps one of the reasons why a ' age so superficial as ours, in which reality has been reduced to a phantasmagoria of images and movement, evoking a term that refers to something deep and real explanation is, as we said, very embarrassing. First of all may come to mind too much that science provides explanations of reality are not sufficient, and then, when this question is accepted as valid, it can put someone in the alternator to try something you have not noticed , and someone in the sad condition to recognize that, in the face, has nothing to give. "Tradition", we said, is rather less compromising, and in fact if the word "esotericism" has practically disappeared from the vocabulary - or just more remains on the lips of some eccentric, or worse, looking for a "success" in the mind the cheap - customs, customs, traditional beliefs it still feels relatively speaking often. Apart from that even in these cases the word has taken on a tinge ambiguous, often with disregard for the things to which you apply, especially in its modification 'traditional', is not this kind of tradition that we intend to address, the fact is that in reality, and despite appearances, this word, the meanings that correspond to the deeper meanings and more legitimate, in other words, more intellectual, is also missing, and what remains of it, with rare exceptions, is its just more as a sound painting that lends itself to certain manifestations of mental senility born again, his goodness, from the "progressive spirit" modern. What interests us is the only true tradition, which is closely related to the esoteric and so with pure intellectuality. We have mentioned certain esoteric Greek schools, of which all that is known is that it has existed, but this concept of teaching a doctrine in which only a few can access and whose ultimate goal is the ever deeper understanding of reality, was widespread among all peoples of antiquity, even in the West, and is still known today in the East. This restriction of teaching at an elite, small in numbers, by definition, is neither a fad nor obeys the sake of 'dominance' or "selfishness" as the Western sentimentality is always inclined to think so when you are in the presence of a hierarchical legitimate and efficient. Lent to all ages and all peoples' attitudes and their own psychological reactions, and their lack of principles, which derive ultimately from all the other shortcomings, the modern West are panicked when they come into contact with reality in any of its manifestations, and in good faith, at least in most cases, are unfair and unlawful that is not good for all that is good for someone. Less empirical (indeed absolutely no empirical, and therefore strictly scientific, to use another word that is widely misunderstood the normal way) and extremely realistic, the ancients knew that there are differences among men, and it is in this awareness of the diversity of humanity through which passes, differing in space and over time, which has its roots deep the concept of Tradition. It would not make any sense to talk about something that is passed down from age to age if you are not attributed to what was initially a superiority over what will be found later. And it is precisely this reality placed under the terms of tradition: the existence of a human condition characterized by conditions original intellectually different from those of later ages, and where the man was conscious relationship with the cosmic intelligence and its principle, and the possibility for individual who are qualified, to reconstruct it for themselves effectively, going some way to cycle to its origins, the means to implement this purpose and the doctrine, a reflection of the mental state of order and knowledge that characterized this era disappeared, are the contents of this transmission as well as the set of laws designed to maintain the exterior 'environment and human beings in harmony with the cosmic laws of which they are merely a particularization and application, and the special sciences, only applications of the doctrine also metaphysical order quota. In all civilizations is the normal idea of \u200b\u200ba task of paramount importance for the man, who can not meet without help going back to the very origin of humanity, symbolically and literally. The biblical concept of Eden is nothing but the representation of this reality, and in this respect no one could cite more clear in its symbolism that this step Ciuang-Tse: "... A gift from heaven and nature received at birth . Man's job is to try, from what I know, of learning what you do not know, to keep his life until the end of the year assigned by Heaven's own fault, no abbreviations. Knowing how this here its peak. And what will be the criterion for these assertions whose truth is not obvious? Certainty about what the rest of this distinction of the heavenly and the human in man? ... On the teaching of 'Guys'. They deliver the 'true knowledge' "that true knowledge that, expressed in different forms adapted to different conditions of time and place is, as we said, this at the bottom of all traditional civilizations, held by an elite that administers and forward, in obedience to laws cyclical it known to that individual for his mental and physical constitution can benefit from developing their own virtual and awakening the faculty deeper intellectual, in order to become in turn Guys and conscious contact with higher states of his being. Not claiming these few considerations that you have realized the complexity of the arguments that are the subject of our studies, our only intention was to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe subjects who will be treated in this magazine, but more point of view from which they will be taken into consideration. This is an unusual perspective for our day, and for this reason that we thought it useful to insist a bit 'on certain linguistic distinctions, we know from experience how difficult and tiring out of the closed circle of prejudice and of current opinion, the most frequently intellectually insignificant, and we realize that quest'inerzia mental confusion is particularly encouraged by the report we mentioned at the beginning. It's easy to discredit doctrines and views, especially when they bother, using four words well adjusted and completely meaningless, the only way to prevent and counter this offhand way, and unfortunately nowadays effectively, .. . analysis ('critical thinking' is that the furniture of that peculiar mode of action) is to provide to those who might be interested, because the elements can be drawn from himself conclusions and judgments. This we intend to do in these pages, providing translations of traditional texts, and republishing articles have appeared elsewhere in the Italian public is not, with rare exceptions, learned, and finally explaining and clarifying the limits of our knowledge points not yet covered, always and exclusively in the light of the Doctrine traditional, outside of which any explanation is for us an illusion of depth and any attempt, in vain.
Zantzx For Quitting Smoking
The Celts a people invented
carried an article taken from Rex-Post, titled:
The Celts, a people invented
Mario Moir.
Overall I find it very interesting and opens up new knowledge
certainly be further explored, in any case interesting and stimulating essay
In the years between 1100 and 1200 it spread to Europe, the myth of the Holy Grail. Studies carried out on the history and literature of those times led to a radical review of the whole problem, documenting source east of the Persian area, with the addition of a leading player, Parsifal, based instead on the figure of a saint Tuscan Galgano Montesiepi.
Referring to the full text of this topic, here are some significant steps, dealing with the problem of the connection between the alleged Galgano and Celtic culture.
Scholars of the Holy Grail rush for over eight centuries, demonstrating that everything 'regarding the Round Table comes from the tradition of the Celts. To the extent that Galgano is approached, even in mildly and subject to Matter of Britain, can not 'miss the temptation to involve him in the Sagas of the North.
Approaching to the "Celts" opens an important question about what they were really the Celts and their historical existence. We approach the problem step by step and we assume that they really existed, with its own set of cultural symbols and historical events.
Note, for more 'parts, that the location of Montesiepi, where stands the monastery of San Galgano, perhaps alludes to a sacred place, surrounded by hedges, hidden from the uninitiated, that could not participate in secret rites. This tradition of fencing holy places (we continue to support) was typically Celtic. It follows that the rock, where he planted the sword of the saint, could be the center of an ancient sacred worship, probably Celtic.
As the argument is tenuous or insufficient 'shown by the fact that this tradition belongs to the customs of all peoples. Even the Italian word "paradise" derives from the Persian "pair - daeza" or "walled garden" brings to this custom spread to the east. But the supposed Celtic
track has more elements. The old name of
Montesiepi Cerboli was, reminiscent of the Deer, a sacred animal to the Celts identified with the god Cernumno, involving the nearby village of Cerbaia. Again and 'hard not to notice that a deer park and' expensive even to Buddhist tradition, and not 'undisputed prerogative of the Celts.
Near Montesiepi then there is the location 'of Brenna with roots similar to Bran, the Celtic hero, or "brenna" ritual sacrifice of drowning victims celebrated, it is said, by the Druids.
Some say that the circles also consist of white stone and red brick, the roof of the Rotunda, and 48 are reminiscent of the circular Celtic decorations, adding a marginal way in which these circles may be connected with a representation of the "wave form", ie positive and negative radiation emitted by an architectural structure.
Not far from the Rotunda, there is still a striking Celtic cross, carved in stone, prepared or revised in recent times, that stands in a field, visible from the adjoining road.
You want to find something at any cost Celtic, in short, in this sunny corner of Tuscany.
Actually 'with the connection between Celtic culture on the one hand, and the Grail Galgano or other, must be reviewed from different angles.
The possible presence of so-called Celts, as well as' symbols of Celtic culture and the alleged nell'etrusca Tuscany There should be no surprise. Transit and transfer of cultural or artistic elements between the regions of medieval Europe and 'well known and accepted. The charming church of Sant 'Antimo, not very far from Chiusdino, presents graphic tracks belonging to the category of "nodes" known as Celtic.
find traces of such elements or around Europe, including Irish fairy tales, in the decorations of a Romanesque portal in the poetry of Aquitaine, in Breton legends, like the Grail, it should not be surprised but not proof of belonging to the Celtic tradition, with its wealth of magical rituals or bloody. Hard to believe that in most Christian church of Saint Antimo will celebrate Celtic rituals with sacrifices of animals, based on the presence of Celtic knots on some side door of the church. We
even go more 'in the' does not mean that, in the story of Dionysius (this is the mother of Galgano and are given the sentences she uttered in the process of canonization ed), lies a trace of truly pagan rituals and, because 'no', the Celtic tradition.
- My son, cold and 'excessive, intense hunger, the almost inaccessible place: how do you go?
"As we get closer, my son, that place is inaccessible because 'fenced and interdict those who do not belong to the sect who practice their faiths?"
All this' may have a meaning and an explanation, were it not rather a fact that the Celts, as such, never existed. Although
a question not strictly related to this text, the problem of the existence of the Celts allows important considerations.
It should be observed, paradoxically, that a huge number of historians and writers talk about the ancient Celts. It is worth name a few: *
Hecataeus of Miletus (540 - 475 BC) *
Herodotus (490-424 BC)
* Plato (428-348 BC)
* Aristotle (384 - 322 BC)
Teopompo * (378 - 300 BC) *
Ephorus (fourth century BC)
* Diodorus (IV century BC) *
Callimachus (320 - 240 BC) Polybius
* (205 -120 BC) *
Poseidonio (135-50 BC)
* Julius Caesar (102 - 44 BC) *
Strabo (63 BC - 20 AD) *
Livy (59 BC-17 AD) *
Propertius (47a.C - 16 AD)
* Dio Cassius (155-235 AD) *
AVIEN (IV century AD)
Despite all of them, not 'difficult to prove that the Celts did not exist as a nation or a people, and those who were called Celts, however, did not know of it.
"A woman who lived in Dorset, in the fourth century BC, a pagan priest in Ireland, the second century BC, a warrior of the Belgians in the first century BC, a child of the court of Hywel Dda in 950, a breeder Scottish Highlands in the sixteenth century AD, it would be highly surprised to be called Celts. " (1) For
indicate a people or a nation, or any aggregate of people, the term "Celtic", as used by the writers listed above, is valid 'ethnic little different from the term "barbarians", or "infidels", or "friendly" or any other term used to indicate a vague jumble of people considered "alien" but not specifically identifiable.
name, first, not a trustworthy source and defined. That great cloud of people we are talking about was called by the name of the Celts in the west, and the Galatians, to the east. The one and the other shared name with the word "Galli" the presence of two letters, or KL GL. This
'has prompted experts to derive their name from an ancient Indo-European root kal-(Sanskrit Kalay) does not fall far from Italian, meaning to get there, or from the root-gal, which in greek and 'associated with milk and white things (Italian Galaxy). (2)
We are in a rather wide range of meanings that range from invading white men, with endless possibilities' in between.
A quick survey about their characteristics can say, at least, that: *
not possess common physical characteristics: some people, "Celtic" were high, some low, some blond, some brown;
* did not have the common linguistic characteristics, if not those occurring in the municipality is also found in the Indo-greek, Judaism, nell'assiro Babylonian, Persian, Sanskrit or Latin, did not leave traces that can be defined literary
* had no religion, god ', common myths, homogeneous and shared were found in area "Celtic", as well four hundred deities';
* did not have well-defined style of artistic expression: the archaeological (Hallstatt, La Tene Golant, ...) to show more 'that the local people were suffering the effects of diffusion and imitation between a people and the' another, there
* 'agreement even on the list of tribes' or groups that can be included or excluded from the Celtic group: the debate as to whether Iberians, Aquitaine, Liguria, Veneto Germans and even (just to name a few) are considered "Celtic" or not;
* The set of costumes and customs included the industry's most 'complete with funeral (cremation, buried right, buried in a fetal position, data food for the vultures, ...), drank some wine, some not, some were opposed to the Romans, some not, some cared for the aesthetics, some not.
If we consider then that they had no consciousness of belonging to the great Celtic nation, real or imaginary, we should ask ourselves: can 'be defined as "Celtic" (or whatever) that a people scattered and not', does not know be and has no interest in the issue?
First Arises, at this point, two questions: * Which
alleged evidence and 'the whole castle was built of the Celts and their units' ethnicity?
* Apart from general statements of the authors listed above, and who 'was the author and creator of those Celts in which many now believe?
The first question may 'receive a prompt and concise answer: the tests were falsified in part and in part based on undoubted common cultural roots, which are certainly shared by the alleged Celts but also from all other peoples of European and Asian.
is known to scholars that the entire geographic arc ranging from India to the Iberian Peninsula, ranging from the Mediterranean to the North Sea, shares common cultural traits, called Indo-Europeans. As reflected in an endless
'of historical, artistic, archaeological and, especially, language.
It is found, for example, in the Latin word veritas, Italian Truth ', which contains the root Rt-Indian, Old Persian Arta, or in the Latin word Nomen, Italian name, English Name, Persian Namah.
Even the name has its roots in Paris nell'assiro Parisu Babylon, a place that separates, while the word Magus has its roots in a root from which the Indian Mak-German Machen, do, and Make the same as English. (3)
The flow and movement of peoples and ideas, since prehistoric times, resulted in a significant and demonstrable spread of common elements from India to Europe, to the islands of Europe, England, Ireland and Iceland. Beyond 'of every possible phenomenon of mass migration and violent invasion, the natural transmigration of ideas and ways of life and' traceable and documented fairly accurately.
In other words, beyond the 'Alps, beyond the borders of the world greek or roman, someone there and they moved the people, or Celts were others who shared the common Indo-European roots.
The second question (who created the Celts?) Demands a more 'complex, which here we will try' to summarize in a brief on what 'and that' happened in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and France. We note first of all, as a municipality, until the end of the first millennium AD in Europe there are significant processes of identity formation of 'national in form and manner that today allow us to speak of ethnicity'. Only reality 'in some way unifying and identifying and' the Roman Empire, with its culture and its gradual conquest. Attenuatesi disrupted the Roman Empire and the incursions of peoples from the east, at the beginning of the second millennium begin to form the first national aggregations in the modern sense, even under the pressure of those kings or rulers who wanted to establish and consolidate its own kingdom.
This process, which will suffer 'a further important development and consolidation in the XVII, XVIII, XIX, also demanded that the members of a certain "nation" had a clear perception of the concept of We and the concept of the Other, even enemies.
The relationship with the Roman past, which had been the bearer of civilization ', was somehow denied and lived with a hostility' cultural ostentatious. In any case, in order to give an identity ', it was necessary to distinguish them from unifying and all-encompassing culture that for too many centuries was the company's Latin and Roman. It was necessary to break with this decision report (while retaining all the benefits liabilities) which was perceived as an umbilical cord too long tolerated. You need to rebuild their own autonomous history, even at the cost of falsifying history. And the confusing cloud Celtic was an opportunity not miss.
In France, at the end of the first millennium, had now lost the momentum-European Charlemagne, who had chased unlikely cultural projects extended to the whole continent, with the help of Alcuin of York.
In a context marked by the rise of kingdoms and dominions, came suddenly an oriental tale, perhaps Persian, the name can Parsifal Namah, the story of Parsifal. The story, duly translated, arouse 'curiosity aroused' in small European courts in training, that they too would have liked to be refined, educated and mature as the Persian court at the time. Chretien de Troyes task 'rewriting of the story in favor of the court of Aquitaine, and try' likely to give more body to the figure of the hero, seizing the life story of a character who told the pilgrims who came from Tuscany, a Galgano. And the protagonist of the story were made Persian assume the role of the saint of Tuscany. Someone (Wolfram Eschenbach vn) would have to say, but while the game was done: the Breton area had built its own model and its coupling with an alleged past. With the help of the Cistercians and the consent of the Church.
resized and deleted the Cistercians, the Templars, too supranational to the new times, France effort 'to reaffirm and consolidate their identity' and its pre-eminence, even trying to move the papacy to Avignon.
the threshold of the Romantic period the abbot Paul Yves Pezron in 1730, interpreting the will 'francocentric wrote a work that, for our purposes, it is revolutionary and fundamental: the ancient' of the nation and the Gallic language. In this work, the Celts, that 'the Gauls, that' the Franks, that 'the French seized much body, tracing their genealogy to Gomer, the son of Japhet, son of Noah,' genealogy in which they are also the Titans , Saturn, Uranus, the Spartans. The Gauls
- Celts are so 'nos Ancetres now, our ancestors in all directions and with all the trappings, and the operation will continue' during the revolution, then by Napoleon I and Napoleon III, reaching the current political class, which continues to encourage the consolidation of the Celtic genre. And Rome had lost any right of paternity 'cultural, winning the title only of imperialist invader.
Wales hung on a complex situation, linked to a number of factors that would affect not just the official culture.
The first element 'consists of the already' said Godfrey or Geoffrey of Monmouth. This is a historical figure of uncertain origin, who speaks of himself as Gaufridus or Galfridus or Gaufrido de Monem, which enables the 'scholars has resulted in a more' reassuring Geoffrey of Monmouth, country allocations' Welsh. ( 4) Godfrey, or someone he had just invented a Welsh tradition (5), by deriving the name of prehistoric Britons from Brutus, pleasantly similar to that Brutus had stabbed Caesar.
Secondly, in early 1700, the writings of Paul Yves Pezron had attracted the attention of Edward Lhuyd, an Oxford scholar, who dreamed of a possible derivation of the Welsh language from a hypothetical, charming Celtic. And on this hypothesis had written pages that had left its mark in local thought, arguing that the Welsh and Britons descended from these, in turn, by the Celts.
He then added, in 1849, another text, now considered fundamental, made by Lady Charlotte Guest. It was an anthology of medieval Welsh tales, in which the author gave the name Mabinogi's oft-cited 'cause, among its pages, identify stories and figures that may have similarities with those of the Knights of the Round Table.
Lady Guest was part of a group of dedicated experts on the subject, or revitalize an image that shaped the historical and Welsh folk fictional but fascinating. In this environment
materialized: *
the myth of descent from Noah ', (6) Apparel
* the definition of witches (7) *
identification between druids and bards, (8) * The
attempt to build or rebuild an ancient Welsh language. (9)
part of this work 'cultural trying' to make configuration consistency and also to the figure of King Arthur '.
Ireland enjoyed a special situation, very enviable.
The Irish had behind him a cultural tradition of respect. It was said that they had succeeded in its territory at least six ancient dynasties of heroes. The last two are fundamental to local history, were the Thuata de Danaan (the tribe 'of the goddess Danaan) and Goidels, true ancestors of today's Ireland.
In this environment had emerged some mythical champions, as Cu Chulainn and Fionn. (10)
These legends, then resumed in the following centuries, gave a certain independence and self-confidence 'to the Irish culture, making it less urgent the search for a connection hypothetical Celts, the more so 'if invaders.
The Irish monks, while filtering out the legends to the Christian view, played a crucial role in the recovery of local traditions. Far from Rome, isolated in the magic of their monasteries, they provided a valuable contribution to the culture of their land but also to the whole of Europe and the world, collecting precious traces of antiquity ', by making beautiful illuminated manuscripts, sending them everywhere spiritual messengers: Columcille, Columbanus, Gall and others, who left substantial traces of himself 'from the British Isles to the south of Italy, reaching Iceland, Greenland and North America.
was they, among other things, to refine and disseminate those precious art forms related to the decoration of the codes, which are now perceived as a Celtic style.
The historical events that followed, especially the difficult relations with the neighboring Britain, repeatedly stimulated local pride, even in the Romantic period of the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, trying to give substance to the alleged identity 'Celtic island.
A separate question the merits of the Druids, the existence of which is built 'a number of theories substantially inaccurate or false, giving them roles, rituals and clothing that have no objective evidence before the eighteenth century.
Scotland was no exception. Up to the eighteenth century it had been the poor relation, in all the UK regions. Marginalized in some way from the South Welsh or English, was vaguely connected with the neighboring Irish. Lacked and did not share the traditions of great importance.
was so 'that in the eighteenth century and the twenty-first took place two phenomena:
1. what you can 'call a theft of traditions at the expense of Ireland;
2. the elaboration of a complex artifact of local elements, such as to make the Scottish tradition and autonomous with its own unique folklore.
The result of these operations can 'be so' synthesized: *
were collected and transferred into the Scottish ballads, Irish, giving substance to the figure of the alleged bard Ossian; (11) *
were invented the kilt of Scottish clans and their colors, however, operation performed after 1700, (12) *
was definitively established the Celtic root (or alleged) of the Scots.
The operation was somehow justified by the English kings, from the military (which I adopt 'kilts and bagpipes) and the entire nation, which was involved in political events, military and cultural based precisely on kilts and bagpipes, as well as' on clans, tartans, plaids and elements of its folklore.
Few today, in Britain and around the world doubt the genuineness 'and antiquity' of these alleged traditions.
Beyond 'the fantastic creations of time' or older, we can only repeat the question already 'made: it can' be defined as "Celtic" a hypothetical ancient people, scattered across an entire continent, which has no evidence of identity 'solid and municipalities, and does not know it, however, has no interest in one's own identity 'or supra-national, if not the occasional instrumental, produced by some jerk nationalistic or political?
(1) the cue and 'Suddenly, with some modifications, by S. James - The Celts people op Atlantic. cit. p. 18.
(2) You can 'check the claims on works such as L. Rocci - Greek Italian Vocabulary - Dante Alighieri
Ed (3) The examples are displayed with a simplified way. It would be necessary, more 'correctly, report on studies done in relation to Sanskrit and its role in civilization' Indo-European, but that topic is beyond this text. See, for example. G. Semeraro - The origins of European culture - Florence 1984 - Olschki Ed, or HJ Stoerig - Abenteuer Sprache - Berlin 1987.
(4) See G. Agrati ML Magini (ed.) - Merlin, the enchanter - Ed Mondadori 1996, p..
348 (5) As we 'that, see Prys Morgan - The hunt for the Welsh past in eta' romantic - in The Invention of Tradition - Torino 2002 - Ed.Einaudi
(6) See the above-mentioned Prys Morgan, P.
67 (7) ibid p..
79 (8) ibid. p..
62 (9) ibid. p.. 70
(10) Vladimir Grigorieff - Les Mythologies du monde entier - Marabout Alleur 1987 Ed.It. Armenia page.
119 (11) Hugh Trevor Roper - The tradition of the Highlands of Scotland - in: The Invention of Tradition op.cit. pag21 et seq.
(12) Ibid. p.. 23
carried an article taken from Rex-Post, titled:
The Celts, a people invented
Mario Moir.
Overall I find it very interesting and opens up new knowledge
certainly be further explored, in any case interesting and stimulating essay
In the years between 1100 and 1200 it spread to Europe, the myth of the Holy Grail. Studies carried out on the history and literature of those times led to a radical review of the whole problem, documenting source east of the Persian area, with the addition of a leading player, Parsifal, based instead on the figure of a saint Tuscan Galgano Montesiepi.
Referring to the full text of this topic, here are some significant steps, dealing with the problem of the connection between the alleged Galgano and Celtic culture.
Scholars of the Holy Grail rush for over eight centuries, demonstrating that everything 'regarding the Round Table comes from the tradition of the Celts. To the extent that Galgano is approached, even in mildly and subject to Matter of Britain, can not 'miss the temptation to involve him in the Sagas of the North.
Approaching to the "Celts" opens an important question about what they were really the Celts and their historical existence. We approach the problem step by step and we assume that they really existed, with its own set of cultural symbols and historical events.
Note, for more 'parts, that the location of Montesiepi, where stands the monastery of San Galgano, perhaps alludes to a sacred place, surrounded by hedges, hidden from the uninitiated, that could not participate in secret rites. This tradition of fencing holy places (we continue to support) was typically Celtic. It follows that the rock, where he planted the sword of the saint, could be the center of an ancient sacred worship, probably Celtic.
As the argument is tenuous or insufficient 'shown by the fact that this tradition belongs to the customs of all peoples. Even the Italian word "paradise" derives from the Persian "pair - daeza" or "walled garden" brings to this custom spread to the east. But the supposed Celtic
track has more elements. The old name of
Montesiepi Cerboli was, reminiscent of the Deer, a sacred animal to the Celts identified with the god Cernumno, involving the nearby village of Cerbaia. Again and 'hard not to notice that a deer park and' expensive even to Buddhist tradition, and not 'undisputed prerogative of the Celts.
Near Montesiepi then there is the location 'of Brenna with roots similar to Bran, the Celtic hero, or "brenna" ritual sacrifice of drowning victims celebrated, it is said, by the Druids.
Some say that the circles also consist of white stone and red brick, the roof of the Rotunda, and 48 are reminiscent of the circular Celtic decorations, adding a marginal way in which these circles may be connected with a representation of the "wave form", ie positive and negative radiation emitted by an architectural structure.
Not far from the Rotunda, there is still a striking Celtic cross, carved in stone, prepared or revised in recent times, that stands in a field, visible from the adjoining road.
You want to find something at any cost Celtic, in short, in this sunny corner of Tuscany.
Actually 'with the connection between Celtic culture on the one hand, and the Grail Galgano or other, must be reviewed from different angles.
The possible presence of so-called Celts, as well as' symbols of Celtic culture and the alleged nell'etrusca Tuscany There should be no surprise. Transit and transfer of cultural or artistic elements between the regions of medieval Europe and 'well known and accepted. The charming church of Sant 'Antimo, not very far from Chiusdino, presents graphic tracks belonging to the category of "nodes" known as Celtic.
find traces of such elements or around Europe, including Irish fairy tales, in the decorations of a Romanesque portal in the poetry of Aquitaine, in Breton legends, like the Grail, it should not be surprised but not proof of belonging to the Celtic tradition, with its wealth of magical rituals or bloody. Hard to believe that in most Christian church of Saint Antimo will celebrate Celtic rituals with sacrifices of animals, based on the presence of Celtic knots on some side door of the church. We
even go more 'in the' does not mean that, in the story of Dionysius (this is the mother of Galgano and are given the sentences she uttered in the process of canonization ed), lies a trace of truly pagan rituals and, because 'no', the Celtic tradition.
- My son, cold and 'excessive, intense hunger, the almost inaccessible place: how do you go?
"As we get closer, my son, that place is inaccessible because 'fenced and interdict those who do not belong to the sect who practice their faiths?"
All this' may have a meaning and an explanation, were it not rather a fact that the Celts, as such, never existed. Although
a question not strictly related to this text, the problem of the existence of the Celts allows important considerations.
It should be observed, paradoxically, that a huge number of historians and writers talk about the ancient Celts. It is worth name a few: *
Hecataeus of Miletus (540 - 475 BC) *
Herodotus (490-424 BC)
* Plato (428-348 BC)
* Aristotle (384 - 322 BC)
Teopompo * (378 - 300 BC) *
Ephorus (fourth century BC)
* Diodorus (IV century BC) *
Callimachus (320 - 240 BC) Polybius
* (205 -120 BC) *
Poseidonio (135-50 BC)
* Julius Caesar (102 - 44 BC) *
Strabo (63 BC - 20 AD) *
Livy (59 BC-17 AD) *
Propertius (47a.C - 16 AD)
* Dio Cassius (155-235 AD) *
AVIEN (IV century AD)
Despite all of them, not 'difficult to prove that the Celts did not exist as a nation or a people, and those who were called Celts, however, did not know of it.
"A woman who lived in Dorset, in the fourth century BC, a pagan priest in Ireland, the second century BC, a warrior of the Belgians in the first century BC, a child of the court of Hywel Dda in 950, a breeder Scottish Highlands in the sixteenth century AD, it would be highly surprised to be called Celts. " (1) For
indicate a people or a nation, or any aggregate of people, the term "Celtic", as used by the writers listed above, is valid 'ethnic little different from the term "barbarians", or "infidels", or "friendly" or any other term used to indicate a vague jumble of people considered "alien" but not specifically identifiable.
name, first, not a trustworthy source and defined. That great cloud of people we are talking about was called by the name of the Celts in the west, and the Galatians, to the east. The one and the other shared name with the word "Galli" the presence of two letters, or KL GL. This
'has prompted experts to derive their name from an ancient Indo-European root kal-(Sanskrit Kalay) does not fall far from Italian, meaning to get there, or from the root-gal, which in greek and 'associated with milk and white things (Italian Galaxy). (2)
We are in a rather wide range of meanings that range from invading white men, with endless possibilities' in between.
A quick survey about their characteristics can say, at least, that: *
not possess common physical characteristics: some people, "Celtic" were high, some low, some blond, some brown;
* did not have the common linguistic characteristics, if not those occurring in the municipality is also found in the Indo-greek, Judaism, nell'assiro Babylonian, Persian, Sanskrit or Latin, did not leave traces that can be defined literary
* had no religion, god ', common myths, homogeneous and shared were found in area "Celtic", as well four hundred deities';
* did not have well-defined style of artistic expression: the archaeological (Hallstatt, La Tene Golant, ...) to show more 'that the local people were suffering the effects of diffusion and imitation between a people and the' another, there
* 'agreement even on the list of tribes' or groups that can be included or excluded from the Celtic group: the debate as to whether Iberians, Aquitaine, Liguria, Veneto Germans and even (just to name a few) are considered "Celtic" or not;
* The set of costumes and customs included the industry's most 'complete with funeral (cremation, buried right, buried in a fetal position, data food for the vultures, ...), drank some wine, some not, some were opposed to the Romans, some not, some cared for the aesthetics, some not.
If we consider then that they had no consciousness of belonging to the great Celtic nation, real or imaginary, we should ask ourselves: can 'be defined as "Celtic" (or whatever) that a people scattered and not', does not know be and has no interest in the issue?
First Arises, at this point, two questions: * Which
alleged evidence and 'the whole castle was built of the Celts and their units' ethnicity?
* Apart from general statements of the authors listed above, and who 'was the author and creator of those Celts in which many now believe?
The first question may 'receive a prompt and concise answer: the tests were falsified in part and in part based on undoubted common cultural roots, which are certainly shared by the alleged Celts but also from all other peoples of European and Asian.
is known to scholars that the entire geographic arc ranging from India to the Iberian Peninsula, ranging from the Mediterranean to the North Sea, shares common cultural traits, called Indo-Europeans. As reflected in an endless
'of historical, artistic, archaeological and, especially, language.
It is found, for example, in the Latin word veritas, Italian Truth ', which contains the root Rt-Indian, Old Persian Arta, or in the Latin word Nomen, Italian name, English Name, Persian Namah.
Even the name has its roots in Paris nell'assiro Parisu Babylon, a place that separates, while the word Magus has its roots in a root from which the Indian Mak-German Machen, do, and Make the same as English. (3)
The flow and movement of peoples and ideas, since prehistoric times, resulted in a significant and demonstrable spread of common elements from India to Europe, to the islands of Europe, England, Ireland and Iceland. Beyond 'of every possible phenomenon of mass migration and violent invasion, the natural transmigration of ideas and ways of life and' traceable and documented fairly accurately.
In other words, beyond the 'Alps, beyond the borders of the world greek or roman, someone there and they moved the people, or Celts were others who shared the common Indo-European roots.
The second question (who created the Celts?) Demands a more 'complex, which here we will try' to summarize in a brief on what 'and that' happened in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and France. We note first of all, as a municipality, until the end of the first millennium AD in Europe there are significant processes of identity formation of 'national in form and manner that today allow us to speak of ethnicity'. Only reality 'in some way unifying and identifying and' the Roman Empire, with its culture and its gradual conquest. Attenuatesi disrupted the Roman Empire and the incursions of peoples from the east, at the beginning of the second millennium begin to form the first national aggregations in the modern sense, even under the pressure of those kings or rulers who wanted to establish and consolidate its own kingdom.
This process, which will suffer 'a further important development and consolidation in the XVII, XVIII, XIX, also demanded that the members of a certain "nation" had a clear perception of the concept of We and the concept of the Other, even enemies.
The relationship with the Roman past, which had been the bearer of civilization ', was somehow denied and lived with a hostility' cultural ostentatious. In any case, in order to give an identity ', it was necessary to distinguish them from unifying and all-encompassing culture that for too many centuries was the company's Latin and Roman. It was necessary to break with this decision report (while retaining all the benefits liabilities) which was perceived as an umbilical cord too long tolerated. You need to rebuild their own autonomous history, even at the cost of falsifying history. And the confusing cloud Celtic was an opportunity not miss.
In France, at the end of the first millennium, had now lost the momentum-European Charlemagne, who had chased unlikely cultural projects extended to the whole continent, with the help of Alcuin of York.
In a context marked by the rise of kingdoms and dominions, came suddenly an oriental tale, perhaps Persian, the name can Parsifal Namah, the story of Parsifal. The story, duly translated, arouse 'curiosity aroused' in small European courts in training, that they too would have liked to be refined, educated and mature as the Persian court at the time. Chretien de Troyes task 'rewriting of the story in favor of the court of Aquitaine, and try' likely to give more body to the figure of the hero, seizing the life story of a character who told the pilgrims who came from Tuscany, a Galgano. And the protagonist of the story were made Persian assume the role of the saint of Tuscany. Someone (Wolfram Eschenbach vn) would have to say, but while the game was done: the Breton area had built its own model and its coupling with an alleged past. With the help of the Cistercians and the consent of the Church.
resized and deleted the Cistercians, the Templars, too supranational to the new times, France effort 'to reaffirm and consolidate their identity' and its pre-eminence, even trying to move the papacy to Avignon.
the threshold of the Romantic period the abbot Paul Yves Pezron in 1730, interpreting the will 'francocentric wrote a work that, for our purposes, it is revolutionary and fundamental: the ancient' of the nation and the Gallic language. In this work, the Celts, that 'the Gauls, that' the Franks, that 'the French seized much body, tracing their genealogy to Gomer, the son of Japhet, son of Noah,' genealogy in which they are also the Titans , Saturn, Uranus, the Spartans. The Gauls
- Celts are so 'nos Ancetres now, our ancestors in all directions and with all the trappings, and the operation will continue' during the revolution, then by Napoleon I and Napoleon III, reaching the current political class, which continues to encourage the consolidation of the Celtic genre. And Rome had lost any right of paternity 'cultural, winning the title only of imperialist invader.
Wales hung on a complex situation, linked to a number of factors that would affect not just the official culture.
The first element 'consists of the already' said Godfrey or Geoffrey of Monmouth. This is a historical figure of uncertain origin, who speaks of himself as Gaufridus or Galfridus or Gaufrido de Monem, which enables the 'scholars has resulted in a more' reassuring Geoffrey of Monmouth, country allocations' Welsh. ( 4) Godfrey, or someone he had just invented a Welsh tradition (5), by deriving the name of prehistoric Britons from Brutus, pleasantly similar to that Brutus had stabbed Caesar.
Secondly, in early 1700, the writings of Paul Yves Pezron had attracted the attention of Edward Lhuyd, an Oxford scholar, who dreamed of a possible derivation of the Welsh language from a hypothetical, charming Celtic. And on this hypothesis had written pages that had left its mark in local thought, arguing that the Welsh and Britons descended from these, in turn, by the Celts.
He then added, in 1849, another text, now considered fundamental, made by Lady Charlotte Guest. It was an anthology of medieval Welsh tales, in which the author gave the name Mabinogi's oft-cited 'cause, among its pages, identify stories and figures that may have similarities with those of the Knights of the Round Table.
Lady Guest was part of a group of dedicated experts on the subject, or revitalize an image that shaped the historical and Welsh folk fictional but fascinating. In this environment
materialized: *
the myth of descent from Noah ', (6) Apparel
* the definition of witches (7) *
identification between druids and bards, (8) * The
attempt to build or rebuild an ancient Welsh language. (9)
part of this work 'cultural trying' to make configuration consistency and also to the figure of King Arthur '.
Ireland enjoyed a special situation, very enviable.
The Irish had behind him a cultural tradition of respect. It was said that they had succeeded in its territory at least six ancient dynasties of heroes. The last two are fundamental to local history, were the Thuata de Danaan (the tribe 'of the goddess Danaan) and Goidels, true ancestors of today's Ireland.
In this environment had emerged some mythical champions, as Cu Chulainn and Fionn. (10)
These legends, then resumed in the following centuries, gave a certain independence and self-confidence 'to the Irish culture, making it less urgent the search for a connection hypothetical Celts, the more so 'if invaders.
The Irish monks, while filtering out the legends to the Christian view, played a crucial role in the recovery of local traditions. Far from Rome, isolated in the magic of their monasteries, they provided a valuable contribution to the culture of their land but also to the whole of Europe and the world, collecting precious traces of antiquity ', by making beautiful illuminated manuscripts, sending them everywhere spiritual messengers: Columcille, Columbanus, Gall and others, who left substantial traces of himself 'from the British Isles to the south of Italy, reaching Iceland, Greenland and North America.
was they, among other things, to refine and disseminate those precious art forms related to the decoration of the codes, which are now perceived as a Celtic style.
The historical events that followed, especially the difficult relations with the neighboring Britain, repeatedly stimulated local pride, even in the Romantic period of the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, trying to give substance to the alleged identity 'Celtic island.
A separate question the merits of the Druids, the existence of which is built 'a number of theories substantially inaccurate or false, giving them roles, rituals and clothing that have no objective evidence before the eighteenth century.
Scotland was no exception. Up to the eighteenth century it had been the poor relation, in all the UK regions. Marginalized in some way from the South Welsh or English, was vaguely connected with the neighboring Irish. Lacked and did not share the traditions of great importance.
was so 'that in the eighteenth century and the twenty-first took place two phenomena:
1. what you can 'call a theft of traditions at the expense of Ireland;
2. the elaboration of a complex artifact of local elements, such as to make the Scottish tradition and autonomous with its own unique folklore.
The result of these operations can 'be so' synthesized: *
were collected and transferred into the Scottish ballads, Irish, giving substance to the figure of the alleged bard Ossian; (11) *
were invented the kilt of Scottish clans and their colors, however, operation performed after 1700, (12) *
was definitively established the Celtic root (or alleged) of the Scots.
The operation was somehow justified by the English kings, from the military (which I adopt 'kilts and bagpipes) and the entire nation, which was involved in political events, military and cultural based precisely on kilts and bagpipes, as well as' on clans, tartans, plaids and elements of its folklore.
Few today, in Britain and around the world doubt the genuineness 'and antiquity' of these alleged traditions.
Beyond 'the fantastic creations of time' or older, we can only repeat the question already 'made: it can' be defined as "Celtic" a hypothetical ancient people, scattered across an entire continent, which has no evidence of identity 'solid and municipalities, and does not know it, however, has no interest in one's own identity 'or supra-national, if not the occasional instrumental, produced by some jerk nationalistic or political?
(1) the cue and 'Suddenly, with some modifications, by S. James - The Celts people op Atlantic. cit. p. 18.
(2) You can 'check the claims on works such as L. Rocci - Greek Italian Vocabulary - Dante Alighieri
Ed (3) The examples are displayed with a simplified way. It would be necessary, more 'correctly, report on studies done in relation to Sanskrit and its role in civilization' Indo-European, but that topic is beyond this text. See, for example. G. Semeraro - The origins of European culture - Florence 1984 - Olschki Ed, or HJ Stoerig - Abenteuer Sprache - Berlin 1987.
(4) See G. Agrati ML Magini (ed.) - Merlin, the enchanter - Ed Mondadori 1996, p..
348 (5) As we 'that, see Prys Morgan - The hunt for the Welsh past in eta' romantic - in The Invention of Tradition - Torino 2002 - Ed.Einaudi
(6) See the above-mentioned Prys Morgan, P.
67 (7) ibid p..
79 (8) ibid. p..
62 (9) ibid. p.. 70
(10) Vladimir Grigorieff - Les Mythologies du monde entier - Marabout Alleur 1987 Ed.It. Armenia page.
119 (11) Hugh Trevor Roper - The tradition of the Highlands of Scotland - in: The Invention of Tradition op.cit. pag21 et seq.
(12) Ibid. p.. 23
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