Friday, December 3, 2010

Bang Bang On The Floor Baby

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The maze of boxwood in the municipality of Villa Valsanzibio Battaglia Terme (PD)

Esoteric Tradition and

Peter Nutrizio

Adapted from Journal of Traditional Studies No. 1, October - December 1961

That many words go to our days gradually losing their original meaning and legitimate and that many have lost the other for some time, this is a fact that escapes most sensitive of our contemporaries. The use of these terms becomes routine, rather than a need for an intellectual, now obeys only the demands of a more superficial (but no less dangerous) "suggestive," or even that no longer represents a convenient acquiescence to habits that you do not see the reason to get rid of when they are not, for various reasons, deliberately entertained. Such a state of confusion, which is only at the linguistic level and whose effects roots plunge deep into the mentality, is the first of the obstacles it encounters on its path groped anyone who wants a serious exchange of ideas in any environment. In an exchange of such words are the vehicle of ideas, their support sensitive, so to speak, and it is clear that the lack of a prior agreement on the value of terms must inevitably lead, as the minimal consequence, the misunderstandings which are then more difficult to eradicate. The topics that we intend to treat, as indeed you can see from the title-page, not with the special problems of linguistics that a report very mild, but we think it is worth to mention in primarily to the need for clarity of language, as this will allow us not to go back constantly to justify the insistence with which we pause to clarify, whenever it will be an opportunity, what is the meaning we give to some words in the course of this short note, and, of course, long articles and translations that appear in this magazine. We said that the confusion of words and the uncertainty of their use have causes, added that this confusion, like many others, has for us the meaning of a sign, and the way in which certain medical conditions are revealed to the eye doctor through a series of symptoms, so the mentality of an environment is reflected by a set of external manifestations of which language is a part. When certain realities no longer intervene to support, so to speak, the words which they represented as the outer garment, then I began the process of degeneration of the latter, similar to what must have led to the current situation. Such a process is carried out step by step and actually starts from intellectuals whose disappearance in a given environment has the effect that a building would fall for a cornerstone, allowing the confusion of creep in more and more fields large without meeting resistance from above that only he could oppose it. It is therefore strange that the very words a time more meaningful to have lost it first and more completely, so it's perfectly understandable, and it is equally clear that they own to do this you can return the legitimate content if you want to somehow help find the clarity that stands out as the first half to those who today do not have the confidence to just let flood chaos that surrounds them. The items that make up the title of this introductory article we are just two of the most abused, and whose real meaning seems to have been, at least in the modern West is completely forgotten for centuries, it seems indeed, judging from the pictures that today inspire our contemporaries, who a slow campaign has been waged against them, from a given period. The result was different in the two cases, this is true, but we must take into account the diversity of both content: if "treason", the Latin verb whose noun was delivered entirely in Italian, can be adapted to any object, even outside of nature, 'esoteric' is certainly a word much more embarrassing, because it implies a comparison, because of comparison itself. Esoteric (ie inner, hidden) was told that some schools teaching Greek imparted to his disciples who had come accede to the esoteric doctrine that was sent in such intellectual centers, and they all that leaked out was an adaptation, in this case philosophy, which was to take with respect to the inner doctrine, the role of a 'exoterism', ie something external. This philosophical teaching, exoteric or outward, therefore imply that the teaching and learning as something that produced internal and guaranteed at the same time, and was thus against a subordinate role, is perhaps one of the reasons why a ' age so superficial as ours, in which reality has been reduced to a phantasmagoria of images and movement, evoking a term that refers to something deep and real explanation is, as we said, very embarrassing. First of all may come to mind too much that science provides explanations of reality are not sufficient, and then, when this question is accepted as valid, it can put someone in the alternator to try something you have not noticed , and someone in the sad condition to recognize that, in the face, has nothing to give. "Tradition", we said, is rather less compromising, and in fact if the word "esotericism" has practically disappeared from the vocabulary - or just more remains on the lips of some eccentric, or worse, looking for a "success" in the mind the cheap - customs, customs, traditional beliefs it still feels relatively speaking often. Apart from that even in these cases the word has taken on a tinge ambiguous, often with disregard for the things to which you apply, especially in its modification 'traditional', is not this kind of tradition that we intend to address, the fact is that in reality, and despite appearances, this word, the meanings that correspond to the deeper meanings and more legitimate, in other words, more intellectual, is also missing, and what remains of it, with rare exceptions, is its just more as a sound painting that lends itself to certain manifestations of mental senility born again, his goodness, from the "progressive spirit" modern. What interests us is the only true tradition, which is closely related to the esoteric and so with pure intellectuality. We have mentioned certain esoteric Greek schools, of which all that is known is that it has existed, but this concept of teaching a doctrine in which only a few can access and whose ultimate goal is the ever deeper understanding of reality, was widespread among all peoples of antiquity, even in the West, and is still known today in the East. This restriction of teaching at an elite, small in numbers, by definition, is neither a fad nor obeys the sake of 'dominance' or "selfishness" as the Western sentimentality is always inclined to think so when you are in the presence of a hierarchical legitimate and efficient. Lent to all ages and all peoples' attitudes and their own psychological reactions, and their lack of principles, which derive ultimately from all the other shortcomings, the modern West are panicked when they come into contact with reality in any of its manifestations, and in good faith, at least in most cases, are unfair and unlawful that is not good for all that is good for someone. Less empirical (indeed absolutely no empirical, and therefore strictly scientific, to use another word that is widely misunderstood the normal way) and extremely realistic, the ancients knew that there are differences among men, and it is in this awareness of the diversity of humanity through which passes, differing in space and over time, which has its roots deep the concept of Tradition. It would not make any sense to talk about something that is passed down from age to age if you are not attributed to what was initially a superiority over what will be found later. And it is precisely this reality placed under the terms of tradition: the existence of a human condition characterized by conditions original intellectually different from those of later ages, and where the man was conscious relationship with the cosmic intelligence and its principle, and the possibility for individual who are qualified, to reconstruct it for themselves effectively, going some way to cycle to its origins, the means to implement this purpose and the doctrine, a reflection of the mental state of order and knowledge that characterized this era disappeared, are the contents of this transmission as well as the set of laws designed to maintain the exterior 'environment and human beings in harmony with the cosmic laws of which they are merely a particularization and application, and the special sciences, only applications of the doctrine also metaphysical order quota. In all civilizations is the normal idea of \u200b\u200ba task of paramount importance for the man, who can not meet without help going back to the very origin of humanity, symbolically and literally. The biblical concept of Eden is nothing but the representation of this reality, and in this respect no one could cite more clear in its symbolism that this step Ciuang-Tse: "... A gift from heaven and nature received at birth . Man's job is to try, from what I know, of learning what you do not know, to keep his life until the end of the year assigned by Heaven's own fault, no abbreviations. Knowing how this here its peak. And what will be the criterion for these assertions whose truth is not obvious? Certainty about what the rest of this distinction of the heavenly and the human in man? ... On the teaching of 'Guys'. They deliver the 'true knowledge' "that true knowledge that, expressed in different forms adapted to different conditions of time and place is, as we said, this at the bottom of all traditional civilizations, held by an elite that administers and forward, in obedience to laws cyclical it known to that individual for his mental and physical constitution can benefit from developing their own virtual and awakening the faculty deeper intellectual, in order to become in turn Guys and conscious contact with higher states of his being. Not claiming these few considerations that you have realized the complexity of the arguments that are the subject of our studies, our only intention was to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe subjects who will be treated in this magazine, but more point of view from which they will be taken into consideration. This is an unusual perspective for our day, and for this reason that we thought it useful to insist a bit 'on certain linguistic distinctions, we know from experience how difficult and tiring out of the closed circle of prejudice and of current opinion, the most frequently intellectually insignificant, and we realize that quest'inerzia mental confusion is particularly encouraged by the report we mentioned at the beginning. It's easy to discredit doctrines and views, especially when they bother, using four words well adjusted and completely meaningless, the only way to prevent and counter this offhand way, and unfortunately nowadays effectively, .. . analysis ('critical thinking' is that the furniture of that peculiar mode of action) is to provide to those who might be interested, because the elements can be drawn from himself conclusions and judgments. This we intend to do in these pages, providing translations of traditional texts, and republishing articles have appeared elsewhere in the Italian public is not, with rare exceptions, learned, and finally explaining and clarifying the limits of our knowledge points not yet covered, always and exclusively in the light of the Doctrine traditional, outside of which any explanation is for us an illusion of depth and any attempt, in vain.


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