In the name of so-called progress we are killing our part
Francesco Lamendola - 26/11/2010
Source: Arianna Editrice
a time not so far away, say less two generations ago,
people's lives was still full of small, large signs that
developed the best part: imagination, sensitivity,
the astonishment before the world, the pietas towards others and towards
the approaching anniversary of Saint Lucia and Christmas, the children wrote a letter
taken stock of their own moral behavior, and aims to improve
asked, anxiously, the toy so long dreamed not
claimed, the requests, while fully aware of not having
was a lesson in humility to themselves and to start a clarification
interior. It was also an exercise in good writing. Finally
was a stimulus to creativity and development of
aesthetic sense, because that letter, that was a real
event in the life of the child, was decorated with drawings and decorations
that made it a small masterpiece of inventive and artistic skills
Then came the Christmas letters already good and ready: it
in stationery and had already bought all the designs and decorations
, simply type the text.
Finally, the letter has also disappeared, as have disappeared
Saint Lucia and baby Jesus. Toys
parents took them directly, without the child had done nothing to deserve it:
so, in homage to the rampant consumerism.
Another example.
time that we were talking about, at Many families had spread
a pious and sweet tradition to leave a glass of water on the kitchen table
the evening, the eve of the November 2, the day of the feast of the dead
. That water was to quench the
souls in Purgatory, the night would come to drink.
A remnant of superstition and a waste of time that the magic has dissipated
modern science? Sure, maybe. But even if he was?
was not a good tradition, as well as poetry, since it helped to keep
spiritual path that connects the living to the dead, but now that path is inexorably
covering of weeds, since no more through it?
We could go on and on with examples like that, but we believe we have made the
idea of \u200b\u200bwhat we mean.
Typically, in the account for the disappearance of such gestures, as
to give thanks for food when you sit down to table, or
bless a person who leaves home to take a trip, you
answers - even if you plan to give an explanation - which is
just get rid of the remnants of the past, since we live in a world where
science, technology and economy march faster and faster.
goes round and round, then, is still the same, eternal
ideology of unlimited progress, which should explain everything, justify all
to account for everything. What do you want us to, is progress, and not
you can not go against progress, that's for sure ...
Yet, just a thought even enough to make hasty
realize that things are otherwise, that this is only an explanation
which is given a posteriori for the illusion that he still has control of the situation
, while the opposite is true: that this so-called
progress is more like a locomotive launched in all
speed without driver and no brakes, along a siding.
the same way they are missing the kind gestures, words
good, symbols of our relationship with the supernatural reality, so are disappearing
peoples, languages, cultures, so are
disappearing species of plants and animals, in an ever more dizzying
, so we are entering, in full sail (so to say),
in the paradise of modernity.
We would like to convince us that this is the result of a preordained plan
and, yes, perhaps there are no side effects
expected, but still, overall, the positives outweigh
immensely, without the possibility of comparison.
Is it not true that many diseases have been tamed (but other
it appeared) that human life has lengthened (But only the duration
average), that the comfort and well-being have been widely used (but
only a part of humanity and at the cost of tensions and neuroses
every day growing)? So, how can we doubt the goodness of progress?
And then, progress can not be judged: it is an obvious value in itself;
anyone should question must be suffering from some mental disorder
. Luckily there is a brand new science, psychiatry,
to treat these individuals always discontented, inexplicably ungrateful
and potentially dangerous to society as a whole. In
Soviet Union resorted to psychiatry to "cure" those
did not appreciate the wonders of socialism, and Marxism, on closer look
, was merely one of many forms of worship
Progress, one of the many ideologies that left the noble and altruistic
Enlightenment belief (and positivist) that the reason serve
to bring happiness to everyone, whether they like it, whether you do not want to ...
The peasants of the Vendée, for example, did not want that kind of happiness
: they wanted to keep their priests, their superstitions and
"horrible dictu," their lords, in short they wanted tradition and
the ancien regime: which is why the French republican armies, in the name of the Goddess Reason
and happiness, they murdered about one
But what is that one million peasants in the Vendée, in front of
"magnificent and progressive" of modernity? What is never
eight million Russian peasants, against the creation of a
heavy industry in a few years and the same, the total destruction of private property
ever outbreak of reaction and superstition?
The fact is that, in the name of so-called progress, then that is just brutal
material development, we are killing the best part of us
themselves: what dreams, and amazed, that praises and thanks, what is
feels connected to everything that exists, everything that
lives, everything that breathes beginning with the Earth, "
our Sister Mother Earth," as St. Francis called the sublime "Canticle of the Creatures
'sister and mother at the same time.
We are not surprised about anything, we know that science has an answer for everything
, nor more to appreciate all that life offers us
: this is not a gift, but a prey, and conquering, not
that we exercise our right.
a time not too far away, the mandarins were on the table, for
children, a welcome gift of Christmas, the apples were a gift, also
hot freshly baked bread was a gift. Those kids knew how much work had cost
bread and they knew that without the sun, without
the rain, without wind, there would be no
mandarins on the table, or apples, or bread ...
Today's children complain if the table there are the fruits out of season
, if there are cakes made
industrial production, if there is Coca Cola. Do not be surprised
more for small things, would not dream of
thank someone or something.
It is certainly not "blame" them.
Their parents raised them well, and if not parents,
television, cinema, computer, the example of fellow pilots and their families
Yet, in the life of the individual as well as in that of society, are
especially the small daily gestures, are mainly the thoughts of every day
that build slowly but inevitably,
values \u200b\u200baround which the lives and the world are a meaning, so that,
disappear leaving those acts and those thoughts can only produce
an existential vacuum in which now tend to infiltrate the evil plants
hedonism, selfishness, indifference.
Come on, tell someone, do not overdo it: after all, it was simply
True, true; but the symbols are not a plus, not a frill or an embellishment
; symbols reveal the very soul of life,
both individually and collectively, form a network where harmonious and coherent
woven by the succession of generations.
An individual and a society have lost the language of symbols
, and have thereby lost their roots,
is the sense of their own destiny, and it is inevitably going to encounter anything that is
self-destruction. No matter if we go with a smile on his lips
This is the danger that currently above us.
not the economic crisis, from which we can take, not the war
World, you can start again from the ashes, and even the
ecological disaster, which also serve to teach the survivors
the way for a new beginning.
No: the mortal danger is the loss of roots and the loss of the sense
about their fate, we will say more: the loss
idea of \u200b\u200bdestiny. The fate takes over the case;
a vision of the world, takes over a mechanical view, in an attitude of quality,
replaced by a purely quantitative way of being.
The living world, elastic, malleable, and the fate of the symbol,
is gradually replaced by a rigid world, solidified, dead, soulless celebrates a technique where
his last, dramatic triumphs, in a light glittering from
We must be very careful.
The world stands on the small daily gestures of
thank Heaven for our nourishment, to thank the Earth for goods
lavishes upon us, and bless the child who leaves home,
going to meet his destiny as an adult . This network of symbols
kept us tied into an organic unity and
prevented the forces of selfishness unbridled individualistic
leads to destroying us.
The compassionate gesture addressed to our dear departed
kept us tied to the world of the afterlife and allowed the souls of those who preceded us to act
positively on us, protecting us from the consequences of materialism
blind and destructive.
once were taught to the children next to each
there is a benevolent presence, a guardian angel who watches affectionately
steps and that makes him a shield against the evil energies
lurking in his way.
was just a fairy tale uplifting? Do not believe it.
the forces of good there, and so those of Evil, and their Azin
about the physical world is so certain, as is that of the atmospheric agents
or historical reality. However
very different is the condition of a humanity that ignores this
network of spiritual presences, and relies only
and only their own powers, which often, indeed, tends to make a pact with the forces of evil
Evil, in exchange for power and success.
This is the nemesis of modern, Faustian man:
one who makes a pact with the Devil, selling his soul in exchange for a domain
increasingly ruthless nature and the world of things.
vulgar and insulting gestures, grimaces of mockery, parodies of the sacred
now rampant and the worst example that comes, often,
by the very people most visible, even from those who hold positions
institutional, replaced the gestures of blessing and
words of faith and charity that once accompanied the
human life.
This is the product of a modernity that has lost the streets
soul, which, indeed, has even lost consciousness
own soul, and therefore have a vocation and destiny
In return, we have built new altars to Reason, science and technology to
in Progress.
Finally, we have built only to our unbridled selfishness and our pride
And then, what will become of us?
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