religious and historical aspects of Tibet
Gianluca Padovan - 18/11/2010
Source: Rebirth
In recent decades many people have seen the
Tibet as one of the last areas of the planet where they are retained
ancient traditions of the so-called "Indo-Europeans".
fact does not exclude the possibility that the waves of immigration from Europe,
occurred between the third and first millennium before the year zero,
have also affected these highlands, bringing people and
European traditions. Until yesterday, we could observe that at an altitude of 4000 meters
media has developed a culture that has remained largely independent
over the centuries:
it would have much to teach (or remind) us Europeans remained
is in our land, but most of our private
cultural backgrounds. Studies of prehistoric Tibetan
are almost totally missing, even though you are engaged at the sites recognized
Upper Palaeolithic to the Neolithic.
The megalithic culture is common, with isolated menhirs and alignments, for example
: "a Do-ring, there are 18 rows of standing stones" .1
The Tibetan language has many dialects and is included, according to some,
-up in the family Tibetan. But it deserves more attention and a more detailed comparative study
especially the so-called dialects.
about their origins Tibetans recall the various myths and one of the most ancient
speaks of the existence of an egg, the matrix of all creation:
"primordial Quest'uovo concentrated in itself all the elements-air,
earth, fire, water and space and gave birth to eighteen other eggs from one of these
sprang a being without form, but capable of thinking, that
felt the need to see, touch, hear, feel, taste and
move and then in turn created the human body ".2
The order is made by Tsen-Nyatri po, a warrior king of the sky
wearing a metal helmet, which are symbols of power armor that slips
alone and magical objects that act as
only: the spear, sword and the shield. This sort of demigod
is still deadly: "At the moment of earthly death
his body turned into a rainbow and let him back in his first home
: infinite space where he lay in a tomb ethereal" Speaking of
.3 historical profile of Tibet, Padma Sambhava
an interesting track design: "The Tibetans have always called their country
Bö, occasionally adding Khawajen, the Land of Snow.
's recorded history dates back some 2300 years ago, while in the West
Macedonian Empire, Mauryan Empire in India, and the late Empire
Chou in China. In his first eight centuries, Tibet was ruled by
a military dynasty. He had a religious system
animist, governed by a priesthood of shamans in divination experts,
the magical arts and sacrifices, while its system of government
focuses on a royal family considered of divine descent. The
first seven kings descended to earth to rule from a rope ladder
suspended in the sky, on which would then be recovered as soon as he arrived
their time. The eighth king, after a short conflict,
cut the rope that bound him to the sky and, from then on, the rulers
like the Egyptian pharaohs were buried in large burial mounds
their possessions and Following their '.4
Recalling the proselytizing of missionaries Catholics, who in India go by
land in Tibet, Giuseppe Tucci shows a comparison of their
Muslims, Hindus and Lamaist, which thus emerges
in view of the latter: "The severe
organization of monasteries, the ' dialectical skill of teachers, the theological niceties
discussed with witty force in logic
gatherings of monks and the austerity of many rites well-arranged their souls to Tibetan Buddhism
Speaking of Buddhism can not be forgotten that the Fourteenth
Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso, Tibet's spiritual and political guide,
and Nobel Peace Prize in 1989, lives in exile in India since 1959. Dalai Lama
is the title given to the head of the Buddhist religion-Lamaist
living in Lhasa (Tibet) in the Potala Palace. In 1950 the troops of the Chinese Communist government
Maoist attack Tibet and the treaty of May 23, 1951
status is incorporated in the Republic of China
. Are long and complex political events, religious and military
that involve the Tibetan territory
about two thousand years, just to remind you that in 1720 China
intervenes militarily imposing its two commissioners to the next Dalai Lama
period. So says Thubten Norbu Dschigme, brother of the Dalai Lama more
and abbot of the Buddhist monastery of Kumbum
located near Sining in China: "Once again I had to go to
Sining by the Committee for Tibet. I declared that I had to carry with them
couple and a Chinese wireless operator;
it was to remain always in communication with Sining,
to keep themselves informed of what was happening to our caravan.
I agreed reluctantly. In their speech the deposed Communist
completely mask. Without preamble I underwent
of proposals that terrifies me and irritated me. What I had heard
was so monstrous, that only I could hardly control myself.
If I were able to convince the government of Lhasa to welcome the troops of the People's Republic
Liberation Army of China and
recognize Communist China, I was appointed Governor General of
Tibet. As such I
guided and supported the great work of reconstruction, in which our religion was
replaced communist ideology. If the Dalai Lama had
opposite, I would find ways and means to remove it in half.
made me understand that fratricide is justified when it comes to achieving
communist ideas. They took samples, which showed that
similar acts had been rewarded with the highest levels ".6
since 1950 more than a million Tibetans have died as a result of the Chinese
, about six thousand
monasteries were destroyed and tens of thousands of displaced people, including many monks.
The territory is the subject of a precise program and deculturation
is indiscriminately used for the storage of hazardous waste, toxic and radioactive
. Basically it has become the "dustbin
of China."
European states are watching, dazzled by the myth that Chinese
radiates the light of easy money, with the backing of industrialists and entrepreneurs
Europe in not taking account of
Chinese slave labor, much less demanding of today's unemployed workers-
European new poor world. Despite this
Dalai Lama has never
uttered a word against the Chinese aggression. In his recent book, The Art of Being
patients, displaying the words of Acharya Shantideva, enlightened Buddhist
eighth century.: (64) "Although other
defamatory or even destroy religious images, relics and the sacred dharma is erroneous
that I get angry because the Buddha can never be
outraged "7
Comment so the script:" You could try to justify the development
hatred against anyone who offends those items with the
' love for the dharma. Shantideva says, however, that this is not the right answer
, because in reality it reacts as it is unable to withstand the
gesture. But the sacred objects can not be damaged
Speaking recently with" old "Italian Communists remained
slightly puzzled to hear that the Dalai Lama is considered by these
an oppressor of his people, because he tried to keep
in the middle of the twentieth century, the Tibetans in a medieval state. I was shocked
acriticitĂ and the impropriety of their arguments and I
laconically commented that the indoctrination of communist rule in China remains
mold and the old Italian Communist
look at everything with dreamy eyes. In any case if the roots
Europe were now, thanks to the "new Europeans", we can
be almost certain that they are missing. But hope, as stated in an essay
ours, and the last to die and I personally believe that
someone in Europe will awake to study, understand and transmit.
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