Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Td Banknorth Garden Seating General Admission

finance is devouring everything

finance is devouring what remains of our planet
Massimo Fini - 15/11/2010

Source: Massimo Fini

China is overtaking the United States as the first economic power
the world. To be Chinese star would be happy. Instead its
the Chinese will be the most ripped off. After paying the huge prices
"take off" industrially, and offered to this Moloch the usual

human sacrifices (In today's China, suicide is the leading cause of death among young
and third among adults) will excel in their
when the model of economic development, and global free trade, which have recently joined
will be going to pieces .
have arrived too late.
Italian Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti, in an interview with Corriere
last winter have leaked between the lines that
within three years we can expect another hit like
"subprime". The
said in a veiled way, while stressing that the financial values \u200b\u200b
have returned to be those of three years ago, before the crack,
in the world today are issued every second billion dollars or euro in
debt. In other words, we pat the crisis
entering the system does not exist any more money, more toxic
of toxic securities. We are drug addicts because the horse already doped

face a few more steps forward. But sooner or later the final collapse comes
overdose. It may not be that suggested by Tremonti
in three years but the next or the next one yet, but it sure will
. There will be the collapse of the world of money,
of the 'paper economy "as he called in a famous essay of 1964

prescient American David T. Bazelon which, incidentally, was not
an economist but an intellectual. And when the people of the city
find that the cement can not eat and drink the oil pour
desperate in the country, what little there is left,
coming to blows khalashnikov rejected by those who, wisely, not
to have abandoned. Drawing apocalyptic scenarios of the rest
eighty years before the Indian chief Tatanga Jotanka Bazelon,
aka Sitting Bull, "he warned," When will

the last river poisoned, shot down the last tree, caught the 'last bison
the last fish caught, only then they realize they can not eat
the money accumulated in their banks. "
Money, in its very essence," future ",

representation of the future, bet on the future, reviving the inexhaustible future
simulation of the future use of this. But we have spent
movement in such a colossal amount of money by mortgaging the future to this
temporal regions so far as to make it stellar,
in fact, exist. Sooner or later this future, pregnant
immense debt of which we have loaded, dilated
and a monstrous dream from our folly and our imagination, we will fall on him like
dramatic present. All the currents of thought,
while both minority, we have reasoned above (U.S. include:
bioregionalism and the new EU citizens) talk, to avoid the apocalypse
next venture, a return to "gradual, limited and
rational" forms of self- and consumption that go
necessarily for a return to earth and
drastic downsizing of the industrial, financial and virtual.
The Chinese have abandoned the land in favor of industrialization and
free market at the wrong time. Will be first when it will be
more sense.


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